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Kat Von D

Kat Von D, tired of 'getting a ton of hate,' says in video she's not a neo-Nazi nor anti-vax

Portrait of Sonja Haller Sonja Haller
Entrepreneur and tattoo artist Kat Von D addressed rumors that she's a Nazi and anti-vaxxer in YouTube video.

Kat Von D, a new mom, makeup brand entrepreneur and celebrity tattoo artist, says in a new YouTube video, that she's neither a neo-Nazi nor an anti-vaxxer.

In the 11-minute video, the 37-year-old addressed both topics from the start because she has been "getting a ton of hate." 

"Just to set the record straight from the beginning, I just want to say I am not anti-Semitic, and I am not an anti-vaxxer," she said. 

"Those are the ones that really don't sit well with me" she said. "I mean, if anything, they are extremely offensive and super-hurtful. Not just to me but to my family."

More:Kat Von D stirs controversy after saying she'll raise a 'vegan child, without vaccinations'

More:Beauty blogger mom calls out Kat Von D for anti-vaccine stance with heartwrenching story

Von D said in the video that a male tattoo artist from "Miami Ink" felt threatened when her show, "L.A. Ink," spun off, and he forged an "anti-Semitic message" on her headshot. He showed it to the network and media. Then in her early 20s, a network publicist advised her to keep quiet and let it blow over.

"Overnight I was falsely branded an anti-Semite," Von D said. "And I had no idea how to handle it or what to do."

Von D also was linked with Nazism through her relationship with Jesse James, who people may recall was shown in a 2010 photo wearing a Nazi hat and saluting with two fingers held under his nose. James' lawyer told CNN the "Monster Garage" star was not a neo-Nazi but collects memorabilia. More photos surfaced a year later of James giving the Nazi salute. James and Von D began dating in 2010 after his marriage with actress Sandra Bullock ended the same year.  

Von D also had planned to release a shade of lipstick called Selektion in 2015, which ABC reported refers to the Nazi "death camp practice of 'selecting' those to be executed." 

Addressing anti-vax comments 

Von D then addressed the anti-vaccination comments before the birth of her son. In a since-deleted Instagram post, Von D said she planned on having "a natural, drug-free home birth in water with a midwife and doula" and "raising a vegan child, without vaccinations." 

Last year's post raised a huge amount of criticism, and Von D stopped short in her video of choosing sides on the controversial issue, keeping things vague.

"I am not an anti-vaxxer," she said. "What I am is a first-time mother. I am one of those moms that reads everything. Anything that is going in my baby or on my baby, I research like a complete and total nerd. After doing a bunch of research and reading the ingredients, naturally I experienced some hesitancy."

Von D said she regretted posting her thoughts on Instagram after someone asked her if they were going to vaccinate. She won't make that mistake again.

“Since then, we have decided as parents to consult with our pediatrician and just let him educate us and guide us,” she said. "But, unlike before, I have learned my lesson and I am choosing not to make our decision or any of our baby' s health records public."

Kat Von D announced the birth of her son, Leafar Von D Reyes, in December with husband musician and author Rafael Reyes, who goes by Leafar Seyer. 



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