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Sci-Fi Encounters: Interview with Alexis Duran

Veronica Scott
Special for USA TODAY
Touch of Salar by Alexis Duran.

For this week's column I took a trip into the complex fantasy worlds of Alexis Duran, who spins spicy tales of m/m romance involving assassins and monks, thieves and threeves.

Here's more about Alexis (courtesy of the author):

She's worked in museums, fashion, finance and film production. Her favorite office so far was in a haunted Victorian Mansion. You can find out more about Alexis and her books at

Once I'd read the first novella, I found myself so drawn to the characters I couldn't wait to read the second, longer book, even if it was a different series. We're going to talk about both stories today.

The first novella is Touch of Salar (Masters and Mages book one), which features an unforgettable healer-monk named M'lan.

Here's the plot (courtesy of Loose Id):

In a world ruled by tyrannical kings and fickle gods, the young monk M'lan finds himself at the center of royal intrigue as his healing powers attract the attention of his superiors. When he learns the handsome warrior whose body he's tending to is not only a noble, but a king's assassin, any attachment to him might prove fatal. Despite the danger, he can't stop himself from falling in love. Can he risk the passion when a slip of the tongue might force his lover to execute him?

Major Jamil Jarka comes to the temple with one intention—heal his wounds so he can return to the fight against the rebellion. When the monk assigned to him turns out to be stunningly attractive, he sees this as a pleasant distraction, no more. But soon he finds himself becoming obsessed with M'lan and is torn between the fear of betrayal and the lure of love.

Sinister forces strive to turn the monk and the warrior against each other—a conflict neither will survive if they cannot trust their lives to love and the healing power of Salar.

Intriguing, yes? The second book is To Catch a Threeve.

Here's the story (courtesy of Loose Id):

Axel Blackwood catches a thief and is astounded to see that he closely resembles Liam Alloway, the love he lost seven years ago in an attack by the evil woodland folk known as threeves. Axel suspects he's fallen prey to dark magic, but can't help becoming infatuated with his prisoner. He's overwhelmed with the hope that he can at last bring his lost lover home, despite everything that warns him it's all a diabolical trick.

Bryn Darrow, the half-threeve, half-human orphan sent to trick Axel and rob him of much more than a simple gem, finds himself equally as fascinated with his handsome human captor and the lure of someplace to call home, but he knows deep down that the constable is in love with a dangerous illusion. When he's commanded by the threeves to murder Axel and steal a witch's powerful grimoire, he's forced to decide between the only family he's ever known and the one person who might rescue him from a life of isolation and pain.

Will Axel and Bryn be forced into a deadly confrontation before they can discover the truth?

Veronica: What three things have influenced you the most in writing such wonderfully sensual m/m erotic fantasies?

Alexis: First I'd credit a habit I developed in early childhood of fully immersing myself in the fantasy worlds of my imagination. I'd spin and weave my stories in a trance-like state, dreaming and writing for hours on end. This behavior doesn't always work in the adult world, but luckily I became a writer. When things are going well I lose myself in the world I'm creating and hopefully bring back the tactile, sensory details that will make it real for readers as well.

Second is my love of poetry, which I'd say "rescued" my writing early on. Through the study of poetry I learned every word has weight, and the importance of rhythm, cadence, and visual and sensory imagery. Pablo Neruda had a huge influence on my writing, or at least I hope so. He can make a raindrop or a pebble sensual.

The third will probably make you laugh, but I credit George Eliot's Middlemarch with inspiring my professional career in romance. Middlemarch takes place in an incredibly strict, buttoned-up, chaste environment, and yet somehow Eliot managed to create incredible tension around the fate of the two love interests. I suffered through this enormous, often tedious book, absolutely agonized to discover whether they managed to consummate their forbidden love. How on earth did Eliot do that? It made me look at romance and erotica in a new way. I quickly developed a deep respect for the literary power of anticipation, love and, of course, lust.

Veronica: I never laugh at another author's inspirations! Although I must admit to not having read much by George Eliot.

Who or what was the inspiration for the monk M'lan in Touch of Salar?

Alexis: M'lan is the result of a personal fantasy I developed over many years of physical therapy and deep-tissue massage. Lying there with a stranger's hands all over me, I imagined what it would feel like if one of these healing professionals (preferably a really hot guy) had the ability to send energy into the body and directly treat the hurt/injured/wounded areas inside, maybe even access the emotional trauma behind chronic conditions. Talk about positive visualization! Once I decided to write his story, M'lan walked into my mind fully formed.

Veronica: I wish I could call upon M'lan for my various aches and pains!

What inspired those crafty, supernatural threeves in To Catch a Threeve?

To Catch a Threeve by Alexis Duran.

Alexis: I've always wanted to write a story in the type of medieval fantasy world we share here in the West — the world of King Arthur, Robin Hood, so many beloved fairy tales and Black Forest folk legends. However, my image of Bryn Darrow didn't quite fit into any of the known categories of magical creature. Elves are too regal, fairies too ethereal, etc. I decided I needed my own brand of magical creature and it was a total hoot to develop the threeves, who get their name from their worship of trees and their love of thievery. I especially enjoyed bringing Uncle Begbie to life. I have a soft spot for my villains.

Veronica: I must agree that the threeves aren't regal or ethereal in the least! Do you have a favorite quote from To Catch a Threeve?

Alexis: I had so much fun writing the dialogue between Bryn and Axel. My favorite parts of the book are their exchanges. Here's one that's only a wee bit racy:

"No one's ever looked at me like you look at me," Bryn said.

Axel reached out and touched Bryn's face, stroking his cheek with a thumb. Bryn leaned against his hand like a cat wanting to be rubbed.

"Goddess help me," Axel whispered.

Veronica: Who was the most challenging character to write (in either book) and why?

Alexis: Jamil Jarka from Touch of Salar ended up being a tougher character to develop than I anticipated. I loved bringing him on stage as M'lan's opposite. He's a hardened assassin, raised to be a killer, and I had no problem with that aspect. Giving him the emotional depth to make his evolution and love for M'lan believable in the space of a novella was the hard part. He really was a bit of a villain to start out with and overcoming his fatal flaws was a challenge for both of us.

Veronica: I thought both stories had tremendous world building and detail. Touch of Salar has a happy-for-now ending, but is there a sequel on its way? I want more about M'lan and Jamil.

Alexis: Glad you mentioned that! The next book in the Masters and Mages series, Blood of Salar, is due out in March. It continues with M'lan and Jamil as the rebellion and their relationship heat up. I wasn't planning on another Threeve book when I wrote it, but I enjoyed the characters and the world so much I've already started a follow-up.

Veronica: What's on your personal to-be-read list?

Alexis: I just got sucked into the world of Astrid Amara's The Archer's Heart series. Book two is sitting in my Kindle beckoning to me. And, I'm embarrassed to admit I've fallen behind in reading one of my favorite authors, Connie Willis. I'm looking forward to reading The Doomsday Book asap.

Amazon best-seller Veronica Scott is a two-time recipient of the SFR Galaxy Award and has written a number of science-fiction and paranormal romances. Her latest is Mission to Mahjundar . You can find out more about her and her books at Please e-mail Veronica at [email protected] about content related to this column. Due to the volume of mail, e-mails may not be answered personally, but all will be read.

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