Question 1: Please provide an overview of the Army Reserve Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention (SHARP) program
Answer 1: Army Reserve SHARP Program reinforces the Army’s commitment to eliminate incidents of sexual assault and sexual harassment through a comprehensive policy that centers on awareness and prevention, training and education, victim advocacy, response, reporting, and accountability. (Reference: AR 600-20 paragraph 7-1).
Question 2: (Does this program apply to just military; or all DOD personnel, to include DOD contractors?
Answer 2: SHARP services are available to Army Reserve Soldiers, dependent family member (over 18 years), or Department of the Army Civilian as specified in DoDI 6495.02. Eligible personnel should contact their command SARC or VA to access services.
Question 3: What is Sexual Harassment and how does a Soldier file a complaint?
Answer 3: Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that involves unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature between the same or opposite genders as specified in AR 600-20. The three methods for filing a sexual harassment are Anonymous, Informal or Formal complaints. Informal complaints are resolved informally while formal complaints are filed in writing IAW AR 600-20. (Reference: AR 600-20 page 105 7-8e.(1-3)).
Question 4: What is sexual assault and what are the reporting options?
Answer 4: In accordance with AR 600-20, Sexual assault is a crime defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent. The reporting options for sexual assault are restricted and unrestricted reporting. Restricted reporting option gives the Soldier access to medical care, counseling, and victim advocacy, without initiating the investigative process. Unrestricted reporting unlike restricted reporting triggers an investigation. (Reference: AR 600-20 para 7-9).
Question 5: What resources are available to care for victims of sexual assault?
Answer 5: The Department of Defense (DoD) Safe Helpline provides confidential crisis intervention, support and information to Service members of the DoD community who have been sexually assaulted. DoD Safe Helpline is available anytime, anywhere – 24 hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week, worldwide at 877-995-5247. Other resources are the local Medical Treatment Facility; Military Police/Criminal Investigation Division; your Chain of Command, unit Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, Victim Advocate, the chaplain, social services, family advocacy, and legal services. Contact your unit SHARP representative for a full list of resources.