Ukraine Cash Working Group 10 July 2024 [Meeting Minutes] [EN/UK]



Topic: General National & Sub-national Updates


➢ A reminder that Mustafa Hadeed, the co-chair from the IOM side, will be away for a few months and Monica Aguilar will be the officer in charge in his place.

➢ The co-chairs of the Cash Working Group (CWG) announced the beginning of the process of electing the new programmatic co-chairs for the Ukraine CWG, and according to the process, a 60-day notice should be given to the members of the CWG to start fundraising efforts with donors and talks with their senior management. The document for the election process was shared via e-mail with all partners on the 11th of July, with a deadline for comments on the 16th of July COB. A survey will be circulated on the 18th of July, along with the final version of the election guidelines, to vote on some aspects of the process.

➢ The CWG co-chairs announced the election process for co-leading Task Team 1 Response Analysis and Targeting and Task Team 2 CVA Feasibility as a follow-up on the CWG retreat recommendations and some sensitivities highlighted in the previous CWG meeting.. The following timeline was communicated for the process:

○ Re-election guidance e-mail - July 12th.

○ Candidate submission - 12th to 26th of July.

○ CWG candidate review - 29th and 30th of July.

○ Sharing statement with CWG members - July 31st.

○ Voting period - 1st to 15th August. ○ Task Team co-leads announcement - 16th August.

➢ Task Team 3 co-leads suggested consulting CWG members on re-running the elections for TT3 co-leading as well; a survey will be circulated with the CWG on the 16th of July.

➢ It was shared that the Winterization Strategy for 2024/2025 is going to be tentatively ready by the 15th of July, and will be shared with partners. It will have a multisectoral approach for winter-specific components.

➢ Shelter cluster 2024-2025 Winterization Recommendations were released last week. CWG requested the SNFI cluster to make a presentation in the next CWG meeting.

➢ The government Commission contacted different organizations and the CWG to work on the action points discussed in last month's workshop. There is a plan to meet with different ministries regarding the action points before the end of the month.

Kyiv hub updates:

Following the attacks on Monday, 8th of July, 2024, MPC partners started coordinating on the ground and with authorities to cover people affected in different areas and also supporting those in hubs established by authorities. These are Help, ACTED, R2P, Save the Children, ADRA and UNICEF, there are few more organizations with capacities/on stand-by.

○ ACTED is doing face-to-face registration to assist those whose housing has been destroyed/strongly affected or whose household members have died/injured, in coordination with Save the Children and R2P.

○ Based on the agreement with authorities, Acted and Save the Children will be making the registration on July 11-12 in Shevchenkivskyi rayon.

○ Darnitskyi, Dnipropetrovsk, and Desnianskyi are covered by UNHCR implemented by R2P.

○ 171 households were registered by Save the Children.

○ In Kyiv Children's Hospital #1, Save the Children is exploring the possibility of providing support to 37 families of intensive care patients evacuated from the Okhmatdet clinic in coordination with UNICEF.

○ The Okhmatdyt Hospital management also contacted ADRA to cover 5 injured employees during the attack.

○ Partners met with Holosiivskyi authorities, no MPC, but shelter needs were highlighted. However, FSLC Kyiv coordination shared that Holosiivskyi authorities might still be compiling the data, and an update is expected. Earlier, In Holosiivskyi, local authorities reported on 500+ households with partially damaged dwellings (primarily windows, but there are some strongly affected HHs).

○ Partners interested in joining this coordination group please reach out to the focal point [email protected]

Sub-national updates:

➢ A new pilot rotation mechanism was created - combined for both Zaporizhzhia and Zaporizka oblast, as decided by partners at the last Subnational meeting. Currently, rotation mechanism works for Odesa, Mykolaiv, and Mykolaivska oblast (pilot for oblast),
Kharkiv city and oblast (pilot for oblast as well), Kryvyi Rih, Dnipro, and Donetsk oblast (pilot).

➢ Subnational CWG had a meeting with an Area-based coordination consultant and shared challenges and best practices, including an Emergency rotation mechanism