Meetings Coverage


The Secretaries-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) told the Security Council today of the need for enhanced cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations like theirs, as Council members — despite expressing support for regional expertise — disagreed over how increasing challenges in the Eurasian region should be addressed.


The High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development convened on day two today of its three-day ministerial segment.  It heard messages from the UN Environment Assembly and held an interactive session on “Messages from the regions”, which showcased regional challenges, innovative pathways and opportunities for accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and presented transformative policies and actions for the remaining six years until the established deadline for the SDGs in 2030.


Measures to address insecurity, humanitarian crises, shrinking civic spaces and other threats must place people at the forefront and will be more effective if done collectively, the head of UN efforts in West Africa and the Sahel told the Security Council today, as he reported on the state of a region that — while notching certain successes — is grappling with profound challenges.