Political Declaration
The General Assembly in its resolution 70/299 decided that the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) shall have only one negotiated Political Declaration, covering the different and complementary functions of both sessions of the forum under the auspices of the General Assembly - the Summit, and the forum under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) when the forum is convened twice in the same year.
Responding to the above mandate, H.E. Mr. Csaba Kőrösi, the President of the General Assembly appointed H.E. Mr. Fergal Mythen, Permanent Representative of Ireland to the United Nations and H.E. Ms. Alya Ahmed Saif Al-Thani, Permanent Representative of Qatar to the United Nations as co-facilitators to lead consultations on political declaration for the SDG Summit during the 77th session of the General Assembly.
Final draft document of the political declaration (19 July 2023)
Co-Facilitators' elements paper for the consultations on the Political Declaration of the SDG Summit (28 February 2023)
Letter from the President of the General Assembly on the draft political declaration (1 September 2023)
Letter from the President of the General Assembly on the final draft document of the political declaration (21 July 2023)
Letter from the Co-facilitators on extending the date for submission of written inputs on the political declaration (14 June 2023)
Letter from the Co-facilitators on next step of the consultations on the political declaration (9 June 2023)
Letter from the Co-facilitators on the revised draft of the political declaration (8 June 2023)
Letter from the Co-facilitators on postponement of the informal consultations (25 May 2023)
Letter from the President of the General Assembly on the zero-draft of the political declaration (8 May 2023)
Letter from the Co-facilitators on schedule of the consultations on the political declaration of the SDG Summit (30 March 2023)
Letter from the Co-facilitators on the elements paper for the consultations on the political declaration of the SDG Summit (28 February 2023)
Letter from the Co-facilitators on follow-up to the first informal consultation on the political declaration of the SDG Summit (7 February 2023)
Letter from the President of the General Assembly on the first informal meeting of the political declaration of the SDG Summit (6 January 2023)
Letter from the President of the General Assembly on appointment of co-facilitators for the consultations on political declaration for the SDG Summit (20 October 2022)
Informal Consultations
First meeting (3 February 2023)
Statements: Group of 77 and China, European Union, LMG-MICs, Colombia, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Singapore, Switzerland, Türkiye, United States, IDLO, IPU, NGO Major Group (MGoS), Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities (MGoS)
Second meeting (16 March 2023)
Statements: PGA, DSG, European Union, CANZ, Group of Friends for Disaster Risk Reduction, China, Israel, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Turkiye, United Kingdom, IDEA, Interpol, LGBTI Stakeholder Group (MGoS), Asia Pacific Regional Civil Society Engagement Mechanism (MGoS)
Third meeting (16 May 2023)
Statements: Group of 77 and China, European Union, AOSIS, Colombia (on behalf of a group of countries on the issue of gender), Bangladesh, Guyana, Indonesia, MGoS
Fourth meeting (2 June 2023)
Written comments of MGoS to the elements paper: Major Groups and Other Stakeholders (MGoS), Business and Industry Major Group, Farmer's Major Group, Indigenous Peoples, Major Group for Children and Youth, NGO Major Group, Scientific and Technological Community Major Group, Women's Major Group, Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism, LGBTI Stakeholder Group, Persons with Disabilities, Sendai Group, Stakeholder Group of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent, Together 2030, Volunteers
Written comments of MGoS to the Zero Draft: NGO Major Group, Local Authorities Major Group, Workers and Trade Unions Major Group, Women's Major Group, Farmer's Major Group, Indigenous Peoples Major Group, Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities, Volunteers Stakeholder Group, LGBTI Stakeholder Group, Stakeholder Group on Ageing, Asia Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanism, Civil Society FfD Mechanism (incl. Women's Working Group on FfD), Sendai Group
Written comments of MGoS to the Revised Zero Draft: NGO Major Group, Local Authorities Major Group, Workers and Trade Unions Major Group, Women's Major Group, European Commission for Europe Regional Civil Society Engagement Mechanism, Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities, Volunteers Stakeholder Group, LGBTI Stakeholder Group