Dilshod Achilov


Dilshod Achilov, PhD

Associate Professor

Political Science




Liberal Arts 317


University of ArizonaPhD


  • Comparative and International Politics
  • Research Methods
  • Democratization
  • Civil Society
  • Political Islam





Exploration of globalization through its causes and in terms of the economic, cultural and political consequences that have followed. The course approaches this theme from both descriptive and normative perspectives. Topics could include the food revolution and changing global demographics, the internet and its impact on human interaction, climate crisis and global solidarity. May be repeated with change of content.

Comparative analysis of the political processes, ideologies, development, and governmental structure of countries from different regions of the world.

Writing in Political Science. Variable topics course used for instruction in political science writing methods.

Available topics seminar in the field of Comparative Politics. Repeatable with change in content.


Online and Continuing Education Courses

Comparative analysis of the political processes, ideologies, development, and governmental structure of countries from different regions of the world.

Professor Achilov's research specializations include comparative and international politics, research methods, democratization, civil society, and political Islam.  Prof. Achilov's research focuses on the politics of the Islamic world, with an emphasis on Middle East politics.  He is author of the book The Routledge Handbook of Central Asian Politics (Routledge Press) and he recently coauthored a paper entitled "Modeling Islamist Extremist Communications on Social Media using Contextual Dimensions: Religion, Ideology, and Hate"  His research has been published in journals such as the International Political Science Review, Social Science Quarterly, Politics and ReligionReligion State and Society, Mediterranean Politics, Democratization, and the Journal of Central Asian Studies Prof. Achilov was previously a fellow at the National Council for US-Arab Relations and a Visiting Scholar at the Davis Center for Eurasian Studies at Harvard University.