



This is why my Title line on here is “Entitled”

No bio because I didn’t want to. And I can’t think of one. I can’t even decide on a forever name.

If you’re inspired by whatever I blurt out then please tag me too because I would love to go down your rabbit holes.


DPxDC Prompt where Danny, Sam, and Tucker know more about Bruce Wayne's life than they'd ever like to, thanks to Sam being forced to attend several Wayne galas, and overhearing entirely too much gossip from her parents. They know that Bruce Wayne has adopted three sons, all of which have black hair and blue eyes.

When things start to get worse in Amity, they sometimes joke that Danny should be the next Bruce Wayne adoptee. Danny laughs along with the jokes, adding fuel to the fire. One way or another, there's eventually a bet.

It's a stupid thing, sticking his neck out in Gotham to try and get Bruce Wayne to notice and adopt him (when he already has parents…), but Danny's here for the chaos. He's not sure what he'll do if he succeeds, except for maybe fake his death and run like hell.

Only… somewhere along the line, Danny starts to… actually feel welcome and safe.


This is what popped up into my lil head, because Dog curses me with ideas I suppose.

But I'm imagining at first Danny just goes on the weekends, starting off in short bursts. Just to see if he'll even grab Bruce Wayne's attention.

Then, when he realizes his parents don't notice that much, he begins to push the boundaries. He goes for longer spans of time, always coming home for the school week.

But when summer comes? He starts telling his parents that he'll be at Sam's or Tucker's, but they hardly acknowledge it. Just a, "Sounds good Dann-o!" or "Stay safe Danny."

Just to test it, he goes to Gotham for a full twenty-four hours without telling his parents. No call, no text, and no wrath when he comes home. They didn't notice.

Things got worse. As they usually do, especially if ignoring the problem. Danny gets frustrated with his parents. He wanted a weekend to himself (to Gotham). They weren't this insistent when he was gone for a WHOLE MONTH. And that was the wrong thing to burst out in front of his parents. Now he spends his days doing homework in the lab, or helping them with their inventions. Both doting on him. But.. its not what he wanted. The inventions "malfunction" around him and his parents were "trying" not to point fingers at him. They genuinely did want Danny to interact more, but after another laser set off at him, he was allowed to go upstairs. It sucked. Yes, he was grateful they wanted to try, but he wished it was without ghosts. Especially when they're building devices to vaporize him. So it hurt. They didn't mean to, but that didn't matter. It was painful to be near them, in more ways than one. Everyone started to notice Danny's mood too. He wasn't as witty with his puns, he couldn't crack a joke to save his life, he barely smiled. Dash had lost interest in bullying because he said, "It's not fun when it feels like kicking a puppy." Even the ghosts were losing interest. Danny didn't entertain them. Skulker was disappointed and went home when the "thrill of the hunt" wasn't there. Technus was trying his best to get Danny to play along, even moving him like strings on a puppet, before coughing out "Well this is awkward." Then he left, pouting up. Sam even made a grave joke to try and lighten Danny up, then shared a look with Tucker when Danny didn't react to it and just flew home. He wasn't able to go to Gotham, until he fucked up. Again. Apparently, being stuck in a lab with his parents, day in and day out was even worse than he had thought. He had gotten home from school, nabbing Box Ghost in between classes, he was one of the few ghosts that didn't get the memo- when his parents excitedly was showing Danny their newest invention. "The... toaster?" "Not just any toaster, Danny boy!" "Not a toaster, Jack-" "Right- these are actually goggles that allow the user to see ghosts that are possessing bodies. So even if a ghost is hiding in someone, We'll FIND it. Just one click and-" And with one flick of a switch, that was it. Danny dragged his feet, hand over his stomach as he settled on the old mattress. He let out a deep sigh as he plopped down. His Fenton phone ringing as soon as he sat. So quickly, he dropped his bag and answered the phone. "Danny, you ok?" Sam asked. "Yeah. I'm in Gotham." "You sure that's a good idea?" Tucker asked, "What if.. y'know." "Considering my parents are searching for me, I think its better I'm as far away as possible." Danny started digging for his medical supplies. "Besides, I've been gone for months. What's the likely chances he finds me tonight?" "Zero to none." Batman stood in the broken window frame. His frown saying it all.


Clark was sent from Krypton as a child. Jor-El never told his wife, Lara Lor-Van, but as with all unmanned ships, there was a risk of failure. Anything could go wrong, after all. He never told her that he'd sent two ships.

One had Kal-El, their son.

The other, sent just a little bit after, held the clone of Kal-El.

Jor-El's reasoning was simple; Kryptonians were about to be an endangered species. He needed to make sure that at least a clone of their child made it, for the sake of preventing their species from completely dying out.

Was it immoral?


Did he have the luxury to acknowledge that?


If one ship failed, then the other would make it. One way or another, a Kryptonian would escape and live on. If he'd had time, he would have made more than one clone, but as it stood he'd only been able to make the one.

The readings from it were...odd. There was a possibility that the clone would be incapable of many natural Kryptonian abilities. But the clone was 100% Kryptonian, genetic anomaly or no. And Jor-El was at the point where he'd take what he could get.


Kal's ship landed in a field, where he was picked up by farmers. Kal was raised in a loving, caring household and, with time, was able to learn about his Kryptonian heritage.

The clone's ship landed in the woods, hidden from the world, with such force that the ship was essentially destroyed. The clone was picked up by a man who thrived on isolation, who lived in a cabin, and who had an unnatural fear of ponies. Thus the clone's sense of priorities were...off.

The clone was named Jack Fenton, and as he would never come into his powers beyond super strength, he would also never know his Kryptonian heritage.


Years later, Danny Fenton and Jazz Fenton are on a school field trip to the Hall of Justice, and the massive security system privately alerts the heroes on monitor duty of something it considers just a little important.


Naturally, this causes a lot of confusion.



A pair of married Cryptid Hunters are tracking Bigfoot through the wilderness when they come across baby Jack.

They decide to adopt Jack.

Everyone in the family can tell that Jack isn’t human but don’t know what he is. Everyone has their own theory of what Jack could be and no one can agree on his species.

After a myriad of benign tests to ensure that Jack isn’t a changeling or a baby Bigfoot (he could grow into his fur Gerald!), the Fenton family decide to raise him as human.

However, it does become a reoccurring “joke” for various Fenton relatives to trick Jack into interacting with things their individual species theory says Jack would be weakened to. Jazz and Danny are also included in the “joke”.

Danny could not tell you how many times his relatives have been disappointed when he uses a cold iron spoon to eat Aunt Miriam’s famous holy water and wolfsbane soup.

Oddly enough this treatment has given Danny a high resistance to things that ghosts are traditionally weak to via exposure therapy.

The only reason Danny was never exposed to Blood Blossoms and built up a tolerance to that was because Uncle Louie used the last of the Fenton reserves a decade before Danny was born to make sure Jack wasn’t a ghoul.


couldn't stop thinking about this while in the shower and I just??? djbshd I LOVE Kryptonian!Jack aus, and i LOVE!! clone aus!! i have so many thoughts im not sure how to word so!! let's start with what I can put into words!!

first off, Danny. Would he be half-krytonian half-ghost in this au? one third clone one third kryptonian one third ghost?

Would Jazz be full kryptonian too, by technicality? Would either Jazz or Danny have any of the Kryptonians powers? Like a dormant gene? I think it'd be fun if they all got the super strength and just. pulled towards the sun for reasons none of them really can explain (until they can!)

Is the alarm heard in the hall of justice to the visitors too or only the heroes on duty? Who would those heroes on duty be? I think it'd be funny if it's like. Superman himself, and Captain Marvel (or Deadman? Was that his name?). If only for the fun of whoever is with Superman just looking at him while he looks at the screens, both in utter confusion.

I also imagine Danny being Phantom would go better in this au, especially if we go with @mkarchin713 idea of the Fentons always knowing Jack is not human and the tests. (something something something, "so we finally know what is wrong with you, Danny! And you, Jack!")

and what about Danielle? What would this mean for her? Either way, I bet she would fuck with Jack being a clone so hard. all like "you're a clone???? omg hi new DAD!!!! dump Vlad's ass <3" she would love it SO MUCH I bett

anyways back to Danny being Phantom, because I got a crack reveal two versions in my head.

Danny: btw I'm Phantom, I could search for Jor-El in the Ghost Zone?
Jack: you're Phantom?? when we get back home help us fix our research?

and that's his reveal. idk how Clark would react to that but something very funny cracky


Danny goes to the Ghost Zone a bit after they find out Jack's a clone in search for Jor-El ("hey ghost writer what do you know about Superman's dad? bio dad??") and just asks around. Doesn't find anything and promptly forgets all about it, and doesn't tell anyone he did it.

Until a few months or weeks later, when the Supers and Fentons are all in the Fortress of Isolation, the hologram AI of Jor-El on. And then a green portal opens and Jor-El's ghost is there instead.

Jor-El: Phantom, you asked for me?
Danny, not remembering or recognising this guy:
Superman: ???? Jor-El??? father????
Danny, clicking: ohhhhh yeah, I did! We [gestures to all of them, esp Superman, Jack, himself and Jazz] got Questions
Jack: wait danno you're phantom?
Danny: yeah keep up I'll tell you more later
Jor-El: alright what's your questions?
(Superman, softly: what the fuck)

EVEN FUNNIER if Danny is Ghost King / Ghost Prince / Royal Status whatever. and that's the title Jor-El uses. and Danny refers to Jor-El as "the fucker" before he knows any names and stuff


Clark was sent from Krypton as a child. Jor-El never told his wife, Lara Lor-Van, but as with all unmanned ships, there was a risk of failure. Anything could go wrong, after all. He never told her that he'd sent two ships.

One had Kal-El, their son.

The other, sent just a little bit after, held the clone of Kal-El.

Jor-El's reasoning was simple; Kryptonians were about to be an endangered species. He needed to make sure that at least a clone of their child made it, for the sake of preventing their species from completely dying out.

Was it immoral?


Did he have the luxury to acknowledge that?


If one ship failed, then the other would make it. One way or another, a Kryptonian would escape and live on. If he'd had time, he would have made more than one clone, but as it stood he'd only been able to make the one.

The readings from it were...odd. There was a possibility that the clone would be incapable of many natural Kryptonian abilities. But the clone was 100% Kryptonian, genetic anomaly or no. And Jor-El was at the point where he'd take what he could get.


Kal's ship landed in a field, where he was picked up by farmers. Kal was raised in a loving, caring household and, with time, was able to learn about his Kryptonian heritage.

The clone's ship landed in the woods, hidden from the world, with such force that the ship was essentially destroyed. The clone was picked up by a man who thrived on isolation, who lived in a cabin, and who had an unnatural fear of ponies. Thus the clone's sense of priorities were...off.

The clone was named Jack Fenton, and as he would never come into his powers beyond super strength, he would also never know his Kryptonian heritage.


Years later, Danny Fenton and Jazz Fenton are on a school field trip to the Hall of Justice, and the massive security system privately alerts the heroes on monitor duty of something it considers just a little important.


Naturally, this causes a lot of confusion.



A pair of married Cryptid Hunters are tracking Bigfoot through the wilderness when they come across baby Jack.

They decide to adopt Jack.

Everyone in the family can tell that Jack isn’t human but don’t know what he is. Everyone has their own theory of what Jack could be and no one can agree on his species.

After a myriad of benign tests to ensure that Jack isn’t a changeling or a baby Bigfoot (he could grow into his fur Gerald!), the Fenton family decide to raise him as human.

However, it does become a reoccurring “joke” for various Fenton relatives to trick Jack into interacting with things their individual species theory says Jack would be weakened to. Jazz and Danny are also included in the “joke”.

Danny could not tell you how many times his relatives have been disappointed when he uses a cold iron spoon to eat Aunt Miriam’s famous holy water and wolfsbane soup.

Oddly enough this treatment has given Danny a high resistance to things that ghosts are traditionally weak to via exposure therapy.

The only reason Danny was never exposed to Blood Blossoms and built up a tolerance to that was because Uncle Louie used the last of the Fenton reserves a decade before Danny was born to make sure Jack wasn’t a ghoul.


Coming from the other end with Clark would this not mess with Lex so much. He knows Clark has to be Superman then this happens.

Look everyone we found my biological fraternal twin brother who was also adopted! I never knew he existed as like me he was a closed adoption. They even left him in a different state from me. Here are my niblings and his lovely wife. Look our kids get along great! Why yes he sure is not allergic to that one rare alien mineral. He and his wife are scientists and built a portal to punch a hole into another dimension. They are working on green energy.

Meanwhile Batman with Oracle's help has created a false set of paperworks for Jack as unlike the Kent's the Fenton's never bothered to even try to hide that they just found a baby. Nope just showed up in town the next time with a baby. Where did they get that baby? It just was wondering in the woods. Well if their parents come back for them we will point them to you. What are they going to do track down a mystery baby that showed up how long ago in the middle of nowhere? It is too late anyway they have bonded with the fenton's. They might be weird but an't nothing hurting a fenton kid.


DPxDC Prompt

A soulmate AU in which you crave the food your soulmate craves at any point in time.

For Danny that means he is craving coffee near constantly, which he is grateful for his ghost half's ability to process all the excess caffeine.

For Tim, he is confused because he doesn't know what he is craving, at first he assumes it is some sort of citrus food/drink and for months he goes through every single citrus flavored food or drink he can find. None of which are right, it is almost like they are adjacent to what he is craving and not at all close at the same time.

It isn't until he wakes up above a Lazarus pit after being stabbed through the gut does he figure out what he is craving and it honestly horrifies him.

Why is his soulmate craving Lazarus water? Are they a member of the League? Are they on this base? What does he do with this information!?

I'm working off the assumption that a person's cravings can be satisfied by their soulmate, like Tim can feel it that Danny just drank an enormous amount of coffee because Tim's craving has been satisfied

Tim, who blacked out for a hot second: *Cravings satisfied* Oof, this was some good soup. No wonder lemon fizzies didn't cut it!

Ra's, the monsterfucker: *Has seen horrors beyond his comprehension and is reluctantly turned on* Detective, did you just... unhinge your jaw like a snake?

Tim, the other monsterfucker: *Cautiously because he's seen that look before in the mirror* What?

Danny, half a world away in Metropolis with no way to drink ectoplasm for another week at least: *Surprised and impressed* How the fuck did my soulmate find ectoplasm?!?


So i am super overtired and have no filter right now.

I have seen alot of powerful ghosts eat smaller ghost ecto? Like they don't die, but a big ghost will eat a smaller ghosts ecto and the consciousness will just leave and reform with more ecto from the zone elsewhere. This is how blob ghosts work. Kinda cannibalism kinda not?

I raise you tim now knowing what he is craving is ecto and now has to deal with the fact that when he gets really bad ecto cravings from danny he kinda really wants to bite jason/cass/damian and does not know what to do with that info...

Tim, to himself: there's an explanation for this.

Tim, biting Jason for some reason and the craving disappeared: there's an explanation for this.


Tim, when his siblings are being especially annoying: My soulmate has been craving humans, guys. Knock it off.

Batfam, softly but with a lot of feeling: what the fuck


It wasn’t even a conscious decision for Tim. He’d been hungry for days, his soulmate had been hungry, and he’d tried just about anything he could find in Alfred’s kitchen to no avail.

They’d been messing around in the cave after patrol, their hair still wet from the showers. Tim had barely got his pants on when Jason decended upon him, wrapping his arm around his neck, trying for a fake choke hold while cackling in the midst of their banter.

Listen, Tim was a biter. He always had been, ever since he was small.

Jason knew that.

It was not his fault Tim gave Jason’s forearm a little chomp.


Now we could have Jason freak out at this.


Jason: *snorts* Of course. You would be a monsterfucker ya little freak.

If he does start hunting blobs, the others wouldn't see them.

Be funny if not even Duke can. And the others aren't liminal enough. So sometimes Tim will just randomly drop into predator mode for no reason, stalk something that isn't there, catch and eat the nothing thing, and then go back to normal like nothing happened.

And while Tim could explain to his family what he's experiencing and his theories on why, it is far more entertaining to not do that.


DPxDC Prompt

A soulmate AU in which you crave the food your soulmate craves at any point in time.

For Danny that means he is craving coffee near constantly, which he is grateful for his ghost half's ability to process all the excess caffeine.

For Tim, he is confused because he doesn't know what he is craving, at first he assumes it is some sort of citrus food/drink and for months he goes through every single citrus flavored food or drink he can find. None of which are right, it is almost like they are adjacent to what he is craving and not at all close at the same time.

It isn't until he wakes up above a Lazarus pit after being stabbed through the gut does he figure out what he is craving and it honestly horrifies him.

Why is his soulmate craving Lazarus water? Are they a member of the League? Are they on this base? What does he do with this information!?

I'm working off the assumption that a person's cravings can be satisfied by their soulmate, like Tim can feel it that Danny just drank an enormous amount of coffee because Tim's craving has been satisfied

Tim, who blacked out for a hot second: *Cravings satisfied* Oof, this was some good soup. No wonder lemon fizzies didn't cut it!

Ra's, the monsterfucker: *Has seen horrors beyond his comprehension and is reluctantly turned on* Detective, did you just... unhinge your jaw like a snake?

Tim, the other monsterfucker: *Cautiously because he's seen that look before in the mirror* What?

Danny, half a world away in Metropolis with no way to drink ectoplasm for another week at least: *Surprised and impressed* How the fuck did my soulmate find ectoplasm?!?


So i am super overtired and have no filter right now.

I have seen alot of powerful ghosts eat smaller ghost ecto? Like they don't die, but a big ghost will eat a smaller ghosts ecto and the consciousness will just leave and reform with more ecto from the zone elsewhere. This is how blob ghosts work. Kinda cannibalism kinda not?

I raise you tim now knowing what he is craving is ecto and now has to deal with the fact that when he gets really bad ecto cravings from danny he kinda really wants to bite jason/cass/damian and does not know what to do with that info...

Tim, to himself: there's an explanation for this.

Tim, biting Jason for some reason and the craving disappeared: there's an explanation for this.


Tim, when his siblings are being especially annoying: My soulmate has been craving humans, guys. Knock it off.

Batfam, softly but with a lot of feeling: what the fuck


It wasn’t even a conscious decision for Tim. He’d been hungry for days, his soulmate had been hungry, and he’d tried just about anything he could find in Alfred’s kitchen to no avail.

They’d been messing around in the cave after patrol, their hair still wet from the showers. Tim had barely got his pants on when Jason decended upon him, wrapping his arm around his neck, trying for a fake choke hold while cackling in the midst of their banter.

Listen, Tim was a biter. He always had been, ever since he was small.

Jason knew that.

It was not his fault Tim gave Jason’s forearm a little chomp.

i see everyone focusing on the ectoplasm, which yes, good, but i think we need to focus on the coffee more.

we, as a fandom, have done terrible exaggerations to tim's coffee habits. i can only assume this one is on the extreme end.

while tim is biting people, danny is on a quest to find what the optimal amount of coffee (the preferred delivery option of his soulmate's actual craving for caffeine) is.

he tries different brands.

he tries to change steeping times, like, you know, tea?

he has tried every one of starbucks' seasonal drinks.

i need to know what scenario makes him put energy drinks in to ultimately make Death Wish Coffee. (a bet from friends after complaining? craving coffee so hard after he got a Charged Lemonade that he went home, made coffee, and absentmindedly added the lemonade?)

and what he thinks this disgusting mistake satisfies the cravings.

tim assumes other species, and that this might be his new normal. (ignoring, denying, that his soulmates preferences changed one day, overnight, from regular human food...)

danny assumes that his human soulmate is a complete and utter freak. (and perhaps much older than him? there's no way someone that young was getting that kind of coffee, right?)


DPxDC Prompt

A soulmate AU in which you crave the food your soulmate craves at any point in time.

For Danny that means he is craving coffee near constantly, which he is grateful for his ghost half's ability to process all the excess caffeine.

For Tim, he is confused because he doesn't know what he is craving, at first he assumes it is some sort of citrus food/drink and for months he goes through every single citrus flavored food or drink he can find. None of which are right, it is almost like they are adjacent to what he is craving and not at all close at the same time.

It isn't until he wakes up above a Lazarus pit after being stabbed through the gut does he figure out what he is craving and it honestly horrifies him.

Why is his soulmate craving Lazarus water? Are they a member of the League? Are they on this base? What does he do with this information!?

I'm working off the assumption that a person's cravings can be satisfied by their soulmate, like Tim can feel it that Danny just drank an enormous amount of coffee because Tim's craving has been satisfied

Tim, who blacked out for a hot second: *Cravings satisfied* Oof, this was some good soup. No wonder lemon fizzies didn't cut it!

Ra's, the monsterfucker: *Has seen horrors beyond his comprehension and is reluctantly turned on* Detective, did you just... unhinge your jaw like a snake?

Tim, the other monsterfucker: *Cautiously because he's seen that look before in the mirror* What?

Danny, half a world away in Metropolis with no way to drink ectoplasm for another week at least: *Surprised and impressed* How the fuck did my soulmate find ectoplasm?!?


Eternal Prince

I love ghost king Danny a lot, but what about Eternal Prince Danny?

Like, no one really wants Phantom on the throne, much less Danny himself. All of Infinity under a single person's command always drive the holder mad, sooner or later.

But. The Crown has Chosen, regardless if Phantom take the throne or not. So after much arguments with the observers, and even fully waking all the ancient once or twice, a compromise is made: Phantom will only take the throne after he fully died.

The catch? Danny is immortal. He is a true halfa, his ghost feeds into to his life, and vice versa. He can still be killed, sure, which would be Bad News because the throne would be left vacant. But with the Crown choosing Danny, soon it'll be as hard as killing an Ancient.

So now the Realms get an Eternal Prince, that technically owns the crown but can only command it in dire situations. No more risk of a Mad King because there will never be a King as long as Danny lives, and Phantom's half-life is infinite.

Win win all around.


Clark Kent has been ordered to go write a story about the "Most Haunted Town in America" from the Daily Planet. He broke a pretty big story on corrupt landlords, and Perry told him to go out of the city for a bit so that things can cool off.

He arrives at the town and immediately witnesses a Ghost Attack.

He also witnesses the local teenage hero prevent any civilian casualties or injuries, and only a little bit of property damage.

Clark is, honestly, super impressed.

There's just.

One little, tiny thing. It's bothering him,

The GIW.

There is no such thing as the Anti-Ecto Acts; Clark knows, he shot off a message to Bruce and Bruce confirmed it.

So instead of doing a fluff piece on Amity Park, Clark finds himself digging into a man called Vlad Masters, and what his connections are to the Mercenaries posing as government agents.

Because he's doing this whole thing as Clark Kent, he has to stay in his civilian persona.

This means that he's getting rescued by teen hero Phantom. Like, a lot.

Okay, Clark's not gonna lie. He's having fun.

This is fun.


Danny, however, has never been so stressed in his entire life.

He's trying to save the nosy out-of-town reporter, who keeps getting attacked by Vlad's minions.

But every time he saves Mr. Kent, Mr. Kent congratulates him and like...grades him? Gives him pointers?

Danny doesn't know how to describe it, it feels like when his teachers are trying to teach him something after reading his assignment over his shoulder but he hasn't turned in the essay yet.

And Danny swears this guy is having fun.


Vlad's had enough of this troublemaking reporter, and he's done sending out his minions to play.

He's going to handle this personally.


...What if Vlad is trying to silence Clark because he had nothing to do with the GIW and their current actions.

Oh sure he's contracted them but they were among dozens of other Ghost Hunters to catch a million dollar ghost...

But after that they've been as much a thorn in his side as they have been to Danny, such as them destroying Vlad's manor because Danny left a "tip", beginning their prank war in the episode Eye for an Eye.

Vlad is just trying to protect his reputation before Clark can destroy his reputation that he's in support of the Anti-Ecto Acts.

Of course this could have been solved by Vlad merely trying to explain his side of the story to Clark, but... Vlad is a half-dead millionaire who is also a classic cartoon villain, he is physically incapable of considering the mundane solution to any problem due to his lifestyle.

On a side note, I know Vlad is about to possess Clark and immediately realize he's Superman and use his powers (as the tags suggest). But I also think it would be funny if he possessed Clark, has a moment to realize he's Superman, and just... Immediately feels his own ectoplasmic blood run cold because he does not want to piss off the Justice League and by extension, the group of magic users who can very much kick his ass.

So it's like 10 long seconds of overshadowing that feel like hours to Vlad (and he's not convinced that blasted Time Ancient isn't partially responsible for that) before he just leaves the Man of Steel's body with a thousand yard stare as he flies back home without a word.

Defending his reputation isn't worth pissing off the greatest heroes on the planet.


The meme template potential… Incredible… Limitless even…

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