
a sexy apocalypse in a can

@cthulhu-with-a-fez / cthulhu-with-a-fez.tumblr.com

Kelly. 26. she/her. Maryland, USA, Earth, The Known Universe. Hot mess of multifandom best enjoyed with cinnamon.

we really devolved as a society when we stopped using fully painted pictures on romance novels and started using cheap photoshop instead 

case in point

this is a Hell of a downgrade 

worst crime capitalism ever committed was eliminating Horny Oil Painter as a viable career option.


I went down a rabbit hole this summer researching romance novel covers and painting fanart in this style and

  1. this is an EXTREMELY fun style to work in, and also
  2. many of the most iconic romance novel covers you’re probably picturing when you think “classic painted romance novel cover” were produced by one prolific, masterful artist

Her name was Elaine Duillo, and she had a long and extremely productive career spanning from the mid 60’s to her retirement in 2003. She worked mainly in acrylics.

She did illustration work in other genres as well, but she really found her niche in romance novels. She pretty much redefined the aesthetic conventions of the genre, popularizing male models and male nudity and sexualizing men to cater to the female gaze in a way that simply wasn’t the norm before her work. You know Fabio? she’s the one who started using him as a model, and essentially launched his career. And honestly, just look at her work:



Wait shit, she retired in 2003? I think that’s exactly when I started seeing shitty photoshops on all the new romance novel covers.

She was literally carrying the entire industry single-handed and then they just did not replace her.

she just died this year back in july. rip beefcake queen


the thing you must keep in mind when you write things set in dynastic china is that, due to the long history of cannabis in china, you ALWAYS have the opportunity to make a stoner character. that is always an option on the table. and given the 1600+ year recorded history of cannabis in taoism this is DOUBLY true for any cultivator characters. in fact i would argue it’s weirder if no one is high off their gourd on the mount tai weed


here's the cost of living breakdown for Alabama, one of the least expensive states in the country to live it. annual income requirement to achieve "barely not struggling" (that's what "living wage" means, it means "how much money you have to earn to not be struggling financially") by the standards of MIT are the bottom row.

the website SmartAsset applied the 50/30/20 budget rule to this data from MIT to calculate how much it would take for someone to live comfortably (ie, above bare minimum "living wage") in each state and concluded it takes a minimum of 78k for a single adult in West Virginia, the cheapest state in the country.

standard disclaimer that I have personally never made anything near a living wage in my life, much less a comfortable wage, and am deeply in medical debt and so disabled I can't stand for more than a few hours a day. i just think it's important that other Americans are fully aware of just how poor they really are, and what "wealth" actually means in vast regions of the country. inflation and housing price increases have been so rapid, and the percentage of young adults managing their own households has dropped so significantly in the past twenty years (these things are related), that 90% of this website userbase is just completely unaware of what anything costs, and this isn't good for your financial literacy or ability to take care of yourselves.

if you disagree with these numbers please email MIT directly, I did not gather or compile this data. and cannot respond to your feedback about it.

I went and looked at my state (Texas) and this checks out to me.

I manage my own household (or apartmenthold I guess) and I do think these numbers are pretty accurate. For where I live (Dallas) I’d adjust the numbers upward by a couple of dollars or so but as overall location non-specific averages they make sense.


btw, here's the missing link for folks who are curious:


Does anybody have that image of what cyberpunk dialogue is like. "to crack a cyber lemon this nasty" or whatever


That's the bitch

If you want an idea what more authentic oldschool hacking language sounds like, there is an absolutely ANCIENT webpage called the Jargon File (seems to have been updated from the early 80s up through 2004), aka the New Hacker’s Dictionary, that kept a record. It’s not far from Gibson’s idea but if anything it sounds even dorkier, peppered with coding terms and prehistoric memes


November is coming and with it National Clean Your Home Month! I'm posting up a link now and will repost it around the end of October so people can explore, discuss, and plan.

The goal of "NaClYoHo" is not actually to end up with a clean home; it's to spend the month of November addressing what you’d like to change about your living space. Each day (or however often you want) you can put on some kind of media -- a podcast, a playlist, a movie -- and clean, organize, sort, or work on your to-do list until the media is over or you run out of steam.

The link above goes to the "Manifesto" where you can learn more about the ideas behind the project, plus find links to interesting aspects of previous years. You know you want to find out what a To Viking list is!

This year I've decided not to do a signup sheet, but I have gone through past years' sheets and created THE BIG DOCUMENT OF:

At this document you can find a massive list of media that past participants suggest, along with ideas for how to clean, tips for cleaning and self-care, and product recommendations.

Prepare yourselves, my salty pirate comrades! The month approaches!


"Loose Tongues Mean Hot Triggers" 10 Story Western Magazine, July 1950 Cover by Norman Saunders


Alternate titles:

  • Bad Day in Shipping & Receiving
  • Here's Your Fucking Refund
  • Barbed Wire Makes Dan Homicidal
  • Customer Service Incident

Jeans by Alexandra Armata.

Created as a part of their ‘30 Jeans in 30 Days’ Project.


@fashionthatfucks I hate this

The designer is Alexandra Armata, during the lockdown she sewn 1 jean everyday for a month, and let me tell you thats far from the weirdest of the serie

Go check her out on instagram

I retract my previous statment


this is the kind of seamstress i aspire to be amazing i love them all MARVELOUS

The last two are jirds of jaradise

@snorblez some of these are made for you


Ok I'm not going to reply to the post directly but smoking weed on the beach is absolutely different from getting drunk on the beach because:

A) people drinking booze doesn't make the entire beach stink like the ass of a dead skunk. You do not get to nickname something SKUNK and then be shocked when people hate when you smoke it in public. It smells bad, and I can assure you I don't go to the beach to smell your shit stink

B) as an asthmatic, people drinking on the beach does not pose a health risk to me

C) I cannot get second hand drunk from people drinking on the beach

I am a person who prefers getting high to getting drunk (gummies, I am asthmatic) but you can't pretend that smoking weed in public isn't straight up obnoxious, lol


Smoking weed/vaping in public airspace is exactly as obnoxious smoking cigarettes in the same airspace. Either bring edibles to the beach or if you MUST aspirate, hotbox in your car like a normal person.


This is the funniest thing i’ve heard my entire life 😭


Truth xD


This is literally me as a kid.  Dad used to have the responsibility of giving out the well reports that came in on the friday night to anyone who phoned for the rest of the weekend.  The problem was, on saturday mornings, he was doing the food shopping, so I was given a list of approved callers and he’d leave the well report figures by the phone.

Theoretically I was just supposed to list off the numbers.  Except. Very early I started parsing the figures and give my own analysis.  Apparently engineers and geophysicists got a bit freaked out by a ten year old going ‘It’s not that good, the flow’s really slow compared to last week, and there’s gas pockets really screwing up the flow in the east pipe judging by the pressure report.’

Dad still got that yelled at him at conferences: ‘This is the fucker who used child labour to do well analysis!’

‘Was it wrong?’

‘That’s the not the point!’

We found him- the 20 year old with 10 years experience


Prisons/Jails vs Colleges - More prisons or more colleges?


What if we cut out the middleman? Now, you might think I mean putting college students in prison, which’d be funny but no!

We send the prisoners to college.

“I find you guilty of Grand Larceny. You are hereby sentenced to get a bachelor’s degree in English or Math. Baliff, take them to their dorm room and give them their cafeteria card.”


Fun fact; this is literally a thing that Kamala Harris did.

During her time as AG in California she pioneered a program where non-violent drug offenders (listen, you gotta start somewhere) were offered the option of schooling instead of incarceration. If they completed their course of study, their record was wiped clean, so they could look for work without being labelled a criminal. It was a huge success, cutting recidivism rates by around 80%.

Source: studee.com
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