
hey it's ben


staff / stay a while, and listen

if i had a nickel for every time an aspiring swimmer who faced a career-ending injury fell in love with his neighbour, i would have two nickels. which isn’t alot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice

Seung Hyo & Seok Ryu's relationship (with texts)



This is evil genius (complimentary) shit.

Youtuber RTgame put out a video titled "The Minecraft Movie Looks Bad: Is Minecraft Story Mode Worse?" and then used A/B testing to change the thumbnail to say either Yes or No, and just watched the comments tear each other to bits.



why do i even try 



my l0rd, t3h p34s4nt5 4r3 r3v01t1ng! W3 mu5t s411y f0rth 4g41n5t th3m 4thw1th!

EMMA (2020)
dir. autumn de wilde

can people reblog and make a tumblr education explanation about:

- horse plinko

- vanilla extract

- goncharov

- any tumblr culture that needs to be known


oh sure

- horse plinko is actually an old YouTube video of animation testing in which a horse falls down a plinko. many different versions of the plinko were made after that, the one with fire below, spikes, sideways plinko, horseless plinko, pov you’re the horse plinko

the joke is just that the horse is trapped in the plinko

- vanilla extract is from the let’s bake a cake poll. someone made a poll with ingredients for a cake and people would vote for what they wanted to add. vanilla extract won by a landslide. it then started being used as a poll option similarly to “I just want to see the results”

- goncharov is a fake movie from a knock off boot. the boot had written on it “goncharov by martin scorsese”. someone made a movie poster for this fake movie and the rest of tumblr created a fandom for the fake movie in which we pretend it’s real

- any tumblr culture that needs to be known is too vague so I’m just gonna explain the ones that were in the tags

- live slug reaction is from the star wars movie, people were talking about how disney keeps trying to appease both the gays and the phobes by having queer characters that can be easily taken away or ignored. in the movie two unnamed women kiss, and in the background there’s an alien slug thing looking not too amused?? so it’s face is used as live slug reaction

- I like your shoelaces is from an old tumblr post about trying to identify tumblrinas irl, about having some kind of code to verify their identity??? the suggested code was “I like your shoelaces” because it sounds nice enough for you to not weird people out but its specific enough that anyone that knows will get it.

the correct answer to I like your shoelaces is “thanks, I stole them from the president”

- destiel. not sure how to explain this?? it’s a supernatural ship. supernatural had like fifteen seasons so I cannot explain all of it but basically they were queer coded as hell, kept having romantic tension and parallels to actual couples, but the show really didn’t like it, tried to kill one of the characters, had to bring him back, made a whole episode making fun of fans, and in the finale, one of the characters confesses his love to the other, which immediately kills him.

since hell is canon in supernatural and people have died and come back before, they had to make up a way for him to die forever, which is the source of the term “superhell”.

the confession scene is the origin of the destiel news meme format

this is incredible a+ knowledge nowhere else on the internet can you find this

And Keanu says something really interesting to me on the first John Wick. He comes to me and he goes, “Look, just so you know, little bit of advice, when you edit, once a week, you should see the edit on the big screen.” And I’m like, OK, we’ll try. Later, alone with him, I’m going, “Well, why?” He’s like, “I’m a big-screen actor.” And I had no fucking idea what that meant. I thought it meant a movie star. And he’s like, “No, no, no, no.”
And he started talking to me about non-verbal acting, like gestures, motions. And he’s like, “Look, when you see me on a little monitor and I give this little look, it’s one thing. But when you see it on a 40-foot screen, that look’s going to say a lot. That’s what I want to play this guy as. So just please be aware of it, so when we punch in on the closeups, it’s going to mean something.” And it kind of really clicked for me right there.
I’ve always been fascinated by non-verbal gesture, body language. Keanu would go through and strip his dialogue down. It was like, “No, no, nope. I’m just going to cuddle the puppy.” In the first John Wick, he doesn’t talk for 32 minutes. Try to sell that one to a studio: You have Keanu Reeves and you’re not going to let him talk.
Source: Slate
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