
A shade of blue


I'm NOT a vetter and I'm only sharing and donating to VERIFIED Gaza campaigns, I'm sorry. (I'm not a palestinian and I do not know any Arabic so I really cannot vet campaigns, sorry) Also I have more than 1000 asks in my inbox rn and also a lot of messages. If I don't respond that's cuz I'm extremely overwhelmed. she/her, East Asian, newly dropped into this new and unfamiliar land that is the UK

Hi everyone! I want to spotlight here a few palestinian gofundme campaigns with low funds. I've messaged and been in regular contact with all of them, and I appreciate any support you can give them.


Mohammed & his 5 siblings (@ahmed0khalil)

Mohammed is only 19 years old, but the fate of his family's survival now rests on his shoulders as he fundraise to evacuate his family of 8 to safety. He has 5 siblings: Fathi (23), Aya (21), Anas (15), Abdullah (11) and Ahmed (6). Fathi is blind and suffering from coronary artery disease; eleven-year-old Abdullah is autistic and does not understand what is happening; and Ahmed is only 6 years old, a small child who had barely started kindergarten when this current genocide happened. Now, instead of asking questions about how the world works, Ahmed is asking his brother if they will survive, or if they will just become "a number that appears on the TV screen in the evening."

These children have witnessed no fewer than 6 massacres, they have seen people being blown to pieces, they have lost friends to the bombings, they have seen people bleeding to death around them while they couldn't even call the ambulance because there was no connection. Mohammed was once so seriously injured in a bombing that he couldn't walk, but had to lie bleeding on the ground for 2 hours before help came.

These are children who just want to survive. What little food there is in Gaza is very expensive, the water is polluted, and there are all kinds of infectious diseases, and that is on top of all the bombings they have to face. They are just children, please help them out.

This campaign has been shared by 90-ghost.

Only €2,057 raised of €50,000 target! (4.1% of target)


Mahmoud's 17 family members (@mahmoufamilia)

Mahmoud has 17 family members trapped in Gaza right now, including no fewer than 5 children. The house his family was staying at was bombed while they were sleeping inside it, and Mahmoud almost lost his entire family that night. Several relatives were killed in that bombing, including a baby who were not even one month old yet. His other family members sustained serious injury from the bombing, and the family exhausted every means to get Mahmoud's sister Tasnim and her 6-month-old baby out of Gaza as they had the most severe injuries.

However, the rest of Mahmoud's 17 family members are still trapped in Gaza right now, including Tasnim's 2-year-old daughter, who suffered from first degree burns from the bombing. They have narrowly escaped death no fewer than 5 times now, and have woken up to dead bodies next to them when the IOF dropped bombs on the tent next to where they were staying.

Mahmoud’s campaign is vetted by association. Mahmoud is @hazempalestine's friend, see post here for proof. @hazempalestine is vetted by @/el-shab-hussein and is listed as #281 on the verified fundraiser list by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi.

Only $426 CAD raised of $80,000 target! (0.5% of target)


Ahmed's 12 Family Members (@ahmedpalestine)

Ahmed is from Gaza but he is in Belgium right now. He has 12 family members (including 6 children!) trapped in Gaza and he is trying to evacuate them. His family was in Al-Mawasi when Israel dropped the 2000 pound bombs on tents housing displaced families, causing 20 tents to disintegrate, killing at least 40 people and injuring more than 60, and leaving craters at least 9-meters deep.

Ahmed could not contact with his family when he woke up to the news of the bombing, and I can't imagine how scared and worried he must have been, not knowing if his family had survived or not. He told me that he managed to get in touch with his family eventually, and that they are alive, they are alive. They originally moved to Al-Mawasi because Israel designated it as a 'safe zone', yet Israel still bombed the displaced families staying there. Where are they supposed to go now? There is no safe place in Gaza, and they have 6 children with them...

Ahmed's campaign has been promoted by Bilal-Salah0. Bilal's campaign is listed as #132 on the verified fundraiser spreadsheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi. Also vetted by association. Ahmed is a friend of @/hazempalestine (#281 on the verified fundraiser list by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi.). See post here.

Only €3,144 raised of €55,000 target! (5.7% of target)

I have been messaging with all of them and they are really lovely people. Please share/reblog and donate if you are able to! You don't have to donate a lot if you can't, every bit helps!!

I'm also also going to put here my Masterlists of Vetted Fundraisers from the Palestinians who sent me asks for if you want to help more people!

Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 13 - 25 July.

Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 26 -29 July.

Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 30 July - 1 August.

Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 2 - 5 August.

Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 6 - 10 August.

Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 11 - 14 August.

Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 15 - 18 August

Click here for my Masterlist for fundrasiers from 19 - 21 August

Click here for my Masterlist for fundrasiers from 22 - 24 August

Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 25 - 28 August

Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 29 August - 1 September

Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 2 - 5 September.

Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 6-10 September.

Click here for my Masterlist for fundraisers from 11-14 September.

How does vetting and verification work? See post here. (also read comments regarding 90-ghost and why we trust the campaigns he has shared)

Click here for my Google Doc with my complete masterlist of all the Palestinian gfm asks I've received, updated daily (along with other verified ways to send aid to Gaza).

See post here for other verified ways to send aid to Gaza.

Don't forget your Daily Clicks on Arab.org, it's free!!! and Every click made is registered in their system and generates donation from sponsors/advertisers.)

Resources for Palestinian Students!

Initiatives and resources to support Palestinian students, academics and universities:

This is a list of initiatives and resources for Gazan students seeking to complete their studies, including initiatives, resources, training and scholarships. See list here.

Scholarships for Displaced Palestinian students:

Putting this here for the palestininans who follow me: If you are a displaced Palestinian student looking to fund your education, this document lists the scholarships available around the world for displaced Palestinian students.


I've been messaging with Mahmoud (@mahmoudfamily1) and he just shared some absolutely horrifying updates with me.

Last night, quadcopters flew INSIDE the tent his family was staying in and started attacking them, shooting bullets at children and adults alike! The children are absolutely terrified and scared. Imagine you're sleeping inside your house in the dead of night and suddenly drones flew in and started shooting bullets at you at close distance! This is what Mahmoud's family is facing every single day! And the only thing shielding them from the outside world every night is a broken tent!

Mahmoud sent me a photo of one of the many bullets that had rained down on his family. This should horrify you.

Also, with the heavy rain next week and the coming of the harsh winter, Mahmoud's family is seeking funds to renovate their tent. The heavy rain is going to cause polluted sewage containing diseases to overflow. People displaced in damaged tents have nowhere to go, so fixing the tent is not only important in keeping them warm, but it will also help keep them safe from diseases.

Given the scarcity of tent supplies, as well as materials such as nylon and wood, it would cost them about $900 to renovate their tent. Please support Mahmoud's campaign and help him keep his 17 family members (including several children) safe!

Mahmoud's campaign is vetted by association. Mahmoud is @hazempalestine's friend, see post here for proof. @hazempalestine is vetted by @/el-shab-hussein and is listed as #281 on the verified fundraiser list by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi. I've also been talking with Mahmoud extensively off Tumblr (we follow each other's personal private IG accounts) and I trust him. Please don't hesitate to help his family!

Only $642 CAD raised of $80,000 target! Last donation was 11 hours ago, and Mahmoud has not even reached 1% of his goal!!

This is Mahmoud's newest Tumblr account: @mahmoudfamily1

Please share/reblog, and please please donate if you can!

Only $772 CAD raised of $80,000 goal! That's still less than 1% of the campaign goal!

Donations have been tickling in really really slowly for Mahmoud's campaign, and Tumblr keeps shadowbanning his accounts. Please help him evacuate his 17 family members, including several children to safety!


Hi everyone. Mohammed Khalil (@ahmed0khalil) has asked me to share his story, and I’m writing on his behalf. Mohammed created the donation campaign for his little brother 6-year-old Ahmed, and he aims to raise funds to evacuate his family of 8. You can see in his blog how much he loves and worries for 6-year-old Ahmed. Mohammed is only 19 years old. This is not normal. He should have been in school, not begging for our attention to try and raise enough funds so that they can buy food, water, medicine, and a chance to evacuate to safety.

In Gaza, where the sounds of bombing blend with the cries of children, Mohammed and Ahmed's family experienced days they never imagined they would endure. Mohammed (19) and Ahmed (6) have four other siblings: Fathi, Aya, Anas and Abdullah. Aya (21) is a uni nursing student and Anas (15) is also a school student. Neither of them can study anymore with the current genocide. This war is especially hard on Fathi (23), who is blind and suffering from coronary artery disease, Abdullah (11) who is autistic and does not understand what is happening, and Ahmed (6), a small child who had barely started kindergarten before his education came to a halt.

The destruction that struck the area left them with no place to live. The sounds of explosions fill the horizon, and the homes that once sheltered them have become piles of rubble. They suddenly found themselves outside their home, homeless.

The bombing not only destroyed their home, but also severely injured Mohammed. Mohammed was sitting at the entrance of the school his family was sheltering in when three bombs were dropped in front of him. The bombs destroyed a residential tower in front of Mohammed. Dust filled the air and the resulting rubble and shrapnel fell on Mohammed, injuring him in the leg. Mohammed was so severely wounded that he could not walk, and he had to lie there, hurt and bleeding, for 2 hours before the Palestinian Red Crescent came and carried him to the hospital.

The bombing shattered the glass in the school Mohammed and his family was staying at, but thankfully the children sustained no serious injuries. Soon after, they were asked to evacuate the school immediately as there were news that the IOF were going to bomb the Abbas prison near it. And so even though Mohammed was wounded, he could not rest and wait for his leg to heal, but had to leave again with his family.

Now they are living in a small tent in a refugee camp. Mohammed told me that they had to bathe in polluted water and the place smelled of sewage and corpses. Camp life was difficult not only because of the scarcity of food, the infectious disease, and the polluted water, but also because of the psychological torture they endure. Looking at all the devastation, and how the world seems indifferent to their suffering, Mohammed told me that they, including young innocent 6-year-old Ahmed, had begun to lose hope for a better future.

Internet is unstable and often lacking in the refugee camp. Mohammed is using the precious time when Internet is available to tell me his story. I hope you will not turn away their calls for help. They urgently need donations to provide for shelter, food, and medicine, as well as to evacuate out of Gaza. Donations are coming in really slowly for Mohammed’s campaign, and I beg all of you, please, don't turn a blind eye to his story. 

Mohammed’s campaign has been shared by 90-ghost and I’ve also been talking extensively with him. He is a very nice person and he just really wants to help his family survive. Please, please, help Mohammed evacuate himself, his 5 siblings and his parents! Little 6-year-old Ahmed does not deserve to live in fear of falling bombs every day, and neither does Mohammed and the rest of his family. 

Really low funds! Only €1,185 raised of €50,000 target!!

Please share/reblog and donate to help a family of 8! These are children we are talking about, and my heart breaks for what they have to endure.

Please follow Mohammed and Ahmed on @ahmed0khalil to get updates on their situation!

Low Funds! Only €2,035 raised of €50,000 target!


I am happy to announce that we are already close to half of our goal, we have raised only €2050 out of a goal of €5000. The first goal will be to evacuate my sister Aya to complete her university education and study medicine in Egypt.

Our next focus is to raise funds to evacuate my older brother Fathi who is blind. We aim to reach our first goal within the next week and go to our next goal within this month.

I have divided the campaign into small goals to manage the process appropriately. Especially with the opening of the Rafah land crossing soon.

Your donation is not just money, it is life that returns to them after these difficult days.

Please help us by sharing the campaign and donating if you can. Every contribution brings us closer to ensuring safety and relief for my family.

Thank you again for your generosity and support!

Only €2,543 raised of €50,000 goal! Last donation was 7 hours ago!

Ahmed is trying to reach his first goal of €5000 to evacuate his sister Aya so that she can complete her uni education in Egypt! He still needs €2,457 more to evacuate Aya!

This campaign has been shared by 90-ghost, and I've also been messaging extensively with Mohammed. Please help them out, there's no safe place in Gaza right now and their lives are at risk every day.

No one should have to go through this. Please please donate if you can,if you can't talk. Share posts like this,don't let there stories be swept away.

Only €2,651 raised of €50,000 goal! No donations in more than 24 hours!

Again, this campaign is legit and has been shared by 90-ghost!


@ahmedpalestine Campaign Progress update

€3,296\€5,000 (18 September)

€1,704 Away From short-term goal

Vetted by bilal-salah0

Please keep donating and supporting my friend Ahmed campaign. we are really behind on reaching our first 5k, and we really need to reach it by Friday .

Hi my friends, my campaign is moving very slowly 😔💔despite all my efforts to save my family. I keep reaching out to everyone, and I kindly ask you to help my family. Please, don’t leave them alone to suffer, surrounded by danger and death. I hope someone will take notice of this campaign and do everything possible to highlight it and help save them from this tragedy.


Currently €3,306 raised of €55,000 goal! Only 1 donation in more than 24 hours!

This campaign has been promoted and vetted by @/gaza-evacuation-funds! Ahmed's campaign has also been promoted by Bilal-Salah0. Bilal's campaign is listed as #132 on the verified fundraiser spreadsheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi.


the israel defense minister announced yesterday (September 18) that iof will regroup forces and focus their attention on North Gaza and the northern border with Lebanon for the foreseeable future.

yesterday afternoon, there was an attack in Jabalia, where iof opened fire at an aid worker and his pregnant wife martyring them both.

this morning, iof forces continue to move into neighborhoods in North Gaza. 7 people, including multiple children, are martyred as iof warplanes target a family home in Jabalia. this hits especially close to home, as Hazem's family is 7 people as well, 5 of them his younger siblings.

since oct 7, more than 11,355 children have been killed by the iof, more are missing under rubble. statistically 1 in every 5 martyrs since the start of the invasion have been children.

there hasn't been a donation to Hazem's family in more than 2 hours. this is extremely worrying because the rest of the fund is going to be used for relocation. please help the family raise enough to relocate should iof continue to bombard Jabalia. relocation fund = lifesaving money.

TWO donations in the past 3 hours!!! Please continue helping Hazem’s parents and siblings get the funds they need. relocation saves lives!!!!

€57,832 / €58,000 short term goal. That’s €168 left to raise for the milestone. And €668 more to reach 58.5k

Again, Hazem’s campaign has been vetted and promoted by el-shab-hussein. His campaign is listed as #281 on the verified fundraiser list by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi. He is also a friend of Bilal-Salah0 who has personally vouched for him.

Currently €57,882 raised of €70,000 goal!

Also, the raffles hosted by @/brutaliakhoa and I to raise funds for Hazem's family are still ongoing! Please check out Spheal crocheted plush giveaway hosted by @/brutaliakhoa for people in the US, and the  handmade bracelet (with freshwater pearls!) raffle I’m organizing for people in the UK! The deadline to enter my bracelet raffle is in 6 days! There are only 20 entries for my bracelet raffle and since I'm giving away 4 bracelets, winning is extremely likely!



The social cheat I’ve learned for this is to say:

“I have to check my calendar, why, what’s Friday?”

This says “Maybe” without saying “Maybe”, and giving you the option to make up a Doctor’s Appointment You Forgot About (or reschedule one you didn’t!) depending on what they say.

It’s an amazingly powerful sentence for my Autistic and ADHD ass - it gives me the ability to judge my social spoons, as well as communicating that “hey, I might have forgotten something, it’s not you it’s me” in a very non-offensive way.

“I have to check my calendar, why?”




PRO TIP: do not IMMEDIATELY respond in the negative or affirmative once they answer. Maintain the ruse. Give yourself to the count of, like, 30, before saying yes or no.

fuck i love you


incredibly terrifying that iof defense minister released a statement just a few minutes ago saying that the iof is going to switch strategies and turn their "resources and forces" up north. a second wave of pager explosions happened just a few hours ago, with at least 3 dead.

within Palestine, North Gaza has always been the area affected most by iof's siege that blocked access to food, clean water, and medical supplies (such as fuel, electricity, and operating equipment). there has been an airstrike at least once every 3 days for the past 11 months. iof in recent months have taken to targeting densely populated refugee camps and family homes that are still standing, specifically targeting civilians.

I dread to think what will happen to North Gaza now that iof made clear they will be redirecting most of their forces into the region. The road to relocate to central parts of Gaza or even the southern parts are extremely dangerous and transportation has become extremely expensive.

now more than ever North Gazan families need your support. I ask you all to donate what you can spare for Hazem's family (vetted), who's only received €200 in the past 12 hours. Please help, there are 5 young children in this family who still haven't received the polio vaccine and at high risk of infection.

despite the reblogs coming in, donations have slowed to a trickle!!! There’s only been 2 donations in the past 2 hours, and the last donation was 45 minutes ago!!

more and more iof forces and tanks are moving towards North Gaza, yesterday they opened fire and shelled multiple neighborhoods and attacked Jabalia camp, where Hazem’s family is staying. please help them start saving up for relocation, this is literally lifesaving.

€57,715 raised currently, that’s €285 more to raise until 58k short term goal.

Still only €57,715 raised of €70,000 goal! Last donation was 2 hours ago!!

Your donations can be a matter of life and death for Hazem's 5 young siblings!

Hazem’s campaign has been vetted and promoted by el-shab-hussein. His campaign is listed as #281 on the verified fundraiser list by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi. He is also a friend of Bilal-Salah0 who has personally vouched for him.

Also, the raffles hosted by @/brutaliakhoa and I to raise funds for Hazem's family are still ongoing! Please check out Spheal crocheted plush giveaway hosted by @/brutaliakhoa for people in the US, and the  handmade bracelet (with freshwater pearls!) raffle I’m organizing for people in the UK! The deadline to enter my bracelet raffle is in 6 days! There are only 20 entries for my bracelet raffle and since I'm giving away 4 bracelets, winning is extremely likely!


Hello , I am Hany .I am 32 years old. I am from Gaza .I am English teacher school .I am married and I have three children(who lost their childhood) :Rose 7 years ,Mohammed 4 years and Wafa'a 3 years old. I lost my job and my salary during Gaza genocide.

We had a nice life , nice memories ,a nice flat and nice toys for my children and this is our story :

For more than eleven months , we have been under a cruel war and unbelievable genocides which started on the 7th of October when military forces began air strikes everywhere.

It's a war on guilty Gazan citizen ,streets , schools, hospitals ,mosques , electricity ,drinking water ,food supply, stones and even animals.

More than 40,000 people were killed , at least 90,000 people were injured until this moment and 80% of houses were destroyed.

According to military orders , we had to leave our house more than five times and in the last time we left our house , they didn't give us time to pack our luggage so

we got out just with the clothes we were wearing .

Four months later outside my house , I came back again and I found out that my flat was completely burnt and everything turned into ashes . Then , after a month they destroyed the house so my guilty children and I stay homeless .

Currently ,We are in a mass need to leave Gaza to escape from the death , to save my children from the danger and to help my kids complete their rights of education .

SO ,please we need you to help us in traveling from the death by your financial donation and by your generous efforts and support .

Every donation from those merciful and kindly people will make a big difference in saving my children life and in helping them to live a normal life like other children in the world .

If you read my story and you aren't able to donate , at least you can share my story for friends .

You can pay or donate on the following link:


Thank you very much in advance and all your donations are appreciated .

@magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @aces-and-angels @marnota @cenobutch @transmutationisms

@appsa @90-ghost @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @sar-soor @sayruq @queerstudiesnatural @appsa @communistchilchuck @fairuzfan @neptunerings @just-browsing1222 @appsa @akajustmerry @feluka @marnota @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @animentality @kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @violetlyric-blog @the-bastard-king @tamaytka @4ft10tvlandfangirl @northgazaupdates @skatehan @awetistic-things @nightowlssleep @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @friendshapedplant @mangocheesecakes @commissions4aid-international

My kids are waiting your generous support and donation to achieve their goal

Only €552 raised of €20,000 goal!


What if your innocent daughter is asking about her right of education!!

The pretty young Rose who is now seven years started her first year at school (first class) with energy, hope , dreams enthusiasm and passion .

She prepared her school uniform, books ,pencils and bag to start her education journey.

When schools started , she was very active and energetic and she was the most intelligent student in her school for the first month.

Unfortunately that doesn't last a lot when the cruel war began on Gaza strip.

It's not just a war , it's a genocide , daily massacres and demolition. It's also a war on houses,human, streets and schools .

More than 200 schools were partly or completely destroyed. One of them was Rose unrwa school which turned into ashes and momories.

When she saw her damaged school, she got shocked and cursed the damned war.

And what now !

The disappointed girl joins to a school tent!

Yes, in a small tent with more than 40 children in two meters size . She complains about the hot and dry conditions .The place now is surrounded with destruction everywhere .

Currently, she doesn't have her uniform, books and bag because her flat is completely burnt and then destroyed.

I just wondering what she committed to happen all of this . Is she guilty? Does she deserve this?Where is her rights of education?

Please , help Rose to escape from the death with her family by giving donations and your generous support to complete her right of education in another safe place which she lost for the second year .

You can donate on the following link :


She will be pleased if you donate or reblog.

This campaign is vetted by: #dlxxv-vetted-donations @#90-ghost

Hany's family will be very pleased if you reblog the pinned post



Attention please 🙏

Hello, I am Ahmed. I am 22 years old. I study medical equipment engineering at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, which was recently destroyed due to the difficult and terrible war that Gaza City is going through.

I had one year left to graduate, but the war destroyed everything. I lost my education, my father lost his job and his small shop.

I hope that you will help me and stand by my side in saving me and my family, starting over, completing my education, and building my life and future after it was destroyed.

My campaign in the spreadsheet click here look in the line 488

My old post in the deleted account vatted by @90-ghost click here

Vatted this please & share & reblog & donate

I will attach my donation link 👇

This campaign is shared by 90-ghost. campaign also listed as number 488 on this fundraising list.

Currently $18,644 USD raised of $20,000 target!


Hello, I am Ahmed. The war destroyed my life🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸. Can you help me? I need 3 things from you:

1 : Share my campaign to your relatives and friends 🙏

2 : reblog my pinned post

3 : donate if you are able to donate.

Thank you for listening to me

My post link 👇💕


My GFM link 👇🔗




Hello everyone

I am Belal from Gaza, I am displaced in the southern Gaza Strip.
Because of the war on Gaza, our house was destroyed, I lost my job and money, and I cannot find a suitable job because of the war.🥹😔 Now I live with my wife and daughter in a small tent and I cannot meet their needs. 💔🥺
Please support me and help me keep my daughter and wife alive so we can live safely and peacefully.🙏💔
In these difficult circumstances, I hope to receive your support through the GoFundMe donation campaign. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps me and my family get through this difficult stage and cover our basic needs until we settle in a safe place. Your support means a lot to us and represents a ray of hope in this difficult journey🙏🙏😣

@90-ghost @northgazaupdates2 @sar-soor @appsa @sayruq @akajustmerry @kordeliiius @ear-motif

- Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #41 ) Vetted here

This campaign has been vetted by @/gazavetters and is #41 on their vetted list. @/gazavetters is made up of a team of vetted palestinians, for more info click here.

Very low funds! Only $50 USD raised of $20,000 target! Only 2 donations in 10 days!


Hello everyone

I am Belal from Gaza, I am displaced in the southern Gaza Strip. 🍉

Because of the war on Gaza, our house was destroyed, I lost my job and money, and I cannot find a suitable job because of the war.🥹😔 Now I live with my wife and daughter in a small tent and I cannot meet their needs. 💔🥺

Please support me and help me keep my daughter and wife alive so we can live safely and peacefully.🙏💔

"In these difficult circumstances, I hope to receive your support through the GoFundMe donation campaign. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps me and my family get through this difficult stage and cover our basic needs until we settle in a safe place. Your support means a lot to us and represents a ray of hope in this difficult journey 🙏🏾


This campaign has been vetted by @/gazavetters and is #41 on their vetted list. @/gazavetters is made up of a team of vetted palestinians, for more info click here.

Very low funds! Only $50 USD raised of $20,000 target! Only 2 donations in 10 days!


Hello everyone, I have another campaign to share.

Mahmoud's family narrowly escaped the bombing of Talelhawa neighborhood, many of them getting severely injured in the process.

Only his sister and her daughter has managed to evacuate so far. The rest of his 17 person family is still trapped in Ghazza, injured, and in inhumane conditions.

To bring the remaining members of his family to safety and treat their injuries, Mahmoud is attempting to raise $80,000 CAD. Currently, he's only been able to raise $13.

Please help this family however you can. Donate if you're able to donate and share their campaign.

(In the process of being vetted atm)

This campaign is vetted by association! Mahmoud is @hazempalestine's friend, see screenshot below for proof! @hazempalestine is vetted by @/el-shab-hussein and is listed as #281 on the verified fundraiser list by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi. I've been chatting with Hazem and he told me that Mahmoud is his friend. I've been sharing Hazem's campaign a lot, and I hope you will support his friend Mahmoud as well!

Extremely low funds! Only $13 CAD raised of $80,000 goal!!

On August 31st my family witnessed a massacre of their neighbors in displacement as a result of random shelling, which led to the killing of nine young men and women from the "Gharab" family till today;

The random shelling was very close the tent where my family are staying; unjustly; my family witnessed a very difficult time and they woke up from their sleep and thought that the missiles were in the place where they set up their tent, but they survived. This is the fifth time that my family has been exposed to real danger in their displacement and they have not survived. There is no safe place in Gaza.

They survived but Every single day, every single moment, my family witnesses moments of terror that the human mind has never imagined.

Really low funds and no donations at all today! Only $85 CAD raised of $80,000 goal!!

Mahmoud almost lost his family when the Talelhawa neighborhood was bombed. Several of his family were severely injured in the bombing, and a close relative named Alaa was killed, along with her children Ahmed and baby Iman who was not even one month old. Only his sister Tasnim and her 6-month-old daughter managed to evacuate after being seriously injured. Mahmoud is trying to raise funds to evacuate the rest of his family of 17 people, including several children, many of whom are also seriously injured and require medical care.

As you can see above, this campaign is vetted by association. Mahmoud is @hazempalestine's friend, see post here for proof. @hazempalestine is vetted by @/el-shab-hussein and is listed as #281 on the verified fundraiser list by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi.

Unfortunately, Tumblr has shadowbanned Mahmoud's account (@mahmoufamilia) AGAIN. His newest account is now @mahmoudfamily1. Please give Mahmoud the support Tumblr isn't giving him!!!

Only $442 CAD raised of $80,000 target! Last donation was 12 hours ago!

Still only $762 CAD raised of $80,000 target! Last donation was 34 hours ago and Mahmoud's campaign still hasn't reached even 1% of its goal!!


Bracelets for Hazem’s Family!

I am organizing this handmade bracelet raffle in order to raise funds for Hazem's family. Due to my geographical restrictions, I can only mail the bracelets to addresses in the UK. Donate a minimum of €5 to enter the raffle! I will count each €5 as an entry, so if you donate €10, you will be entered twice. The deadline for entering this raffle is 25 September, 2024. I have made 4 bracelets, so there will be 4 winners. The bracelets are all handmade by me, and bracelets A, B and C have real freshwater pearls in them!!

Please fill in this Google form in order to enter the raffle: https://forms.gle/uCGnBB99QNSXChDC7

Hazem's Tumblr Account: @hazempalestine

Hazem's campaign has been vetted by el-shab-hussein. This campaign is listed as #281 on the verified fundraiser list by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi. He is also a friend of Bilal-Salah0.

Hazem is a dentistry student who moved to Belgium in 2018 for his studies. Since then, he has not been able to see his family in Northern Gaza. His parents, his four brothers and one sister are in the Jabalia refugee camp. Their home has been bombed and destroyed.

The area his family is staying at was recently bombed and he had lost contact with them when it was happening. He was really really worried, but thankfully they survived and he managed to contact them the next day. Imagine knowing the place your loved one is staying is being bombed, and not being able to reach them! Imagine being so far away, watching all the horrors happening on the news, and not knowing if your loved ones are ok!

We have been chatting a lot lately and he is a really lovely person. He even offered to help me with my dissertation, and that was like just after he managed to contact his family after the bombing. He is trying to raise funds to evacuate his 7 family members (his parents, four brothers, and his sister), so he has to raise a total of €50,000. He aims to reach his next goal of €10,000 by Sunday in order to evacuate his sister.

Currently €7,842 raised of €50,000 target!

Please share/reblog and donate if you are able to! I thank you in advance for supporting!

(p.s. Please direct message me if you have any problems filling in the Google Form)

Reminder that the deadline for entering this raffle is 25 September, so only 6 more days to enter! Only 20 entries so far, so winning a bracelet is extremely likely!

Currently €57,715 raised of €70,000 target!

Again, Hazem's campaign has been vetted by el-shab-hussein. This campaign is listed as #281 on the verified fundraiser list by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi. He is also a friend of Bilal-Salah0.


@danashehab has been fundraising since may and is just over €15,000 away from their goal l. as stated in the screenshot people are starting to believe the rafah crossing will open so it’s important to make sure everyone has the funds in case they are allowed to evacuate.

thee shehab family consists of dana (13), sahar (14), mona (9), malak (5), yehya (1.5), fahed, (38), reem (32), and grandmother mona (60). they have been shadowbanned and deleted a few times. you can also find this family at @monashehab

Currently €55,684 raised of €85,000 target!

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