If you aren't all caught up on The Crown, proceed with caution, light spoilers ahead.

Infidelity is a prominent theme in The Crown. In early seasons, Jackie laments JFK's straying eye; Eileen Parker sues her husband Mike, Prince Philip's private secretary, for divorce of the grounds of adultery; and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan is cuckolded over and over again. Later on, both Prince Charles and Princess Diana's affairs are key plot points. But throughout the show, the lynchpin of the motif is Prince Philip himself.

Writer and creator Peter Morgan tip-toes around the issue onscreen, never outright showing the royal cheating, though certainly alluding to extramarital relations. And Morgan himself is fairly open about where he stands on the question: "Doesn't everyone in Britain know he had an affair?" Morgan asked during a press event.

But did Philip really cheat on the Queen?

There's no proof he's ever been unfaithful, but over the course of the royal couples' 70+ year partnership, the Duke of Edinburgh has been labeled a ladies man, and linked to numerous women, perhaps most notably stage actress Pat Kirkwood.

In The Crown's second chapter, Galina Ulanova serves as Philip's alleged love interest, but there is no evidence the pair ever had a dalliance. However, there were rumors that the royal had a relationship with Kirkwood, a stage performer in the 1930s and '40s whose legs were once notably called "the eighth wonder of the world" by critic Kenneth Tynan.

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Courtesy of Netflix
The fictional ballerina in The Crown.

Philip and Kirkwood reportedly met on on seven occasions, and while she has always denied they had an intimate relationship, as rumors of "the prince and the showgirl" ran rampant, she had to beg Philip and the palace to do the same. He never obliged.

"Short of starting libel proceedings, there is absolutely nothing to be done," he reportedly said, according to Michael Thornton, a friend of the actress who is now in possession of secret letters between Philip and Kirkwood. "Invasion of privacy, invention and false quotations are the bane of our existence.”

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Getty Images
Pat Kirkwood stars in the wartime comedy Band Wagon in 1939.

Thorton also says Kirkwood told a journalist, "A lady is not normally expected to defend her honor. It is the gentleman who should do that. I would have had a happier and easier life if Prince Philip, instead of coming uninvited to my dressing room, had gone home to his pregnant wife on the night in question."

In addition to Kirkwood, the Prince was also tied (to varying degrees) to TV personality Katie Boyle, singer Hélène Cordet, actress Merle Oberon, novelist Daphne du Maurier, Princess Alexandra (the Queen's cousin), and the Duchess of Abercorn (she said they had a "passionate friendship" but also, "I did not go to bed with him"). One journalist even went so far as to ask Philip about the possibility of children he had with other women and to suggest that the Duke had enjoyed a "homosexual liaison" with the former President of France, Valery Giscard d'Estaing. Philip did not respond to these questions.

But when the Duchess of Abercord was asked if she thought Philip slept with any of his friends, she responded, "I doubt it very much. No, I'm sure not...But he's a human being. Who knows? I don't. Unless you are in the room with a lighted candle, who knows?"

Philip has also been tied to Penelope "Penny" Knatchbull, Countess Mountbatten of Burma, a close family friend and the wife of Norton Knatchbull, the grandson of Philip's uncle, Louis Mountbatten. Their relationship is a key plot point in season five of The Crown. Again, of course, an affair or any impropriety has never been confirmed, but Philip and Penny were undeniably close. Penny was one of only 30 mourners invited to Prince Philip's private funeral in April 2021.

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Max Mumby/Indigo//Getty Images
Prince Philipand Penny during day three of the Royal Windsor Horse Show in 2009.

Biographer Sarah Bradford had no doubts when she plainly labeled Philip an adulterer in her 2011 Elizabeth II: Her Life in Our Times. “The Duke of Edinburgh has had affairs ... full-blown affairs and more than one," she wrote. "He has affairs and the queen accepts it. I think she thinks that’s how men are."

"He's never been one for chasing actresses," she continued. "His interest is quite different. The women he goes for are always younger than him, usually beautiful, and highly aristocratic."

Queen Elizabeth II: Her Life In Our Times by Bradford, Sarah (2012) Paperback

Queen Elizabeth II: Her Life In Our Times by Bradford, Sarah (2012) Paperback
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Courtesy of Netflix
A scene from season 2 of The Crown.

More than one person has suggested that this is just the royal way—for centuries, kings, princes, dukes, and consorts have enjoyed the freedom to quietly carry on affairs. Tapes of Princess Diana recorded by her public speaking coach Peter Settelen reveal that Philip approved of Prince Charles's affair with Camilla. Or at least, Diana thought so. Per Newsweek, "Diana says that Prince Philip told Charles that he could go back to Parker-Bowles 'after five years' if the marriage did not work."

And a British documentary titled Inside Buckingham Palace that came out in 2016, referenced panic in the palace over the public suggestion of Philip's infidelity early on in his marriage to the Queen. As with so many issues regarding the royal family, optics were as important—if not more—than what was really taking place.

"Royal aids panicked as rumors grew about Philip having affairs. The affairs were denied and there was no evidence. But rumors persisted," explained the documentary voiceover. "Action was needed. In 1956 the queen was advised to let Philip go away on a long overseas tour which should keep him out of trouble."

It is that 1956 royal tour that we see in an early season of The Crown.

Many of Prince Philip's closest confidents maintain that while the Duke of Edinburgh was an admirer of attractive women, he didn't act on those feelings. As former Palace press secretary Dickie Arbiter put it, "He has always liked window shopping, but he doesn’t buy."

Philip's private secretary, the late Mike Parker, who depicted as a philanderer in his own right on the show, was unwavering in his assertion that Philip was steadfast. "Philip has been one hundred per cent faithful to the Queen," he told the Telegraph back in 2004. "No ifs, no buts."

We may never know for certain if the Duke merely had a wandering eye or if he acted on romantic impulse, but Philip, whom the Queen called her "strength and stay all these years," did have an answer to all the rumors.

"Good God, woman,” he once said when a female journalist asked about possible infidelity. “Have you ever stopped to think that for years, I have never moved anywhere without a policeman accompanying me? So how the hell could I get away with anything like that?"

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Caroline Hallemann
Digital Director

As the digital director for Town & Country, Caroline Hallemann covers culture, entertainment, and a range of other subjects