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Episode 2

Building 11

Building 11


A lost photographer in a Chiswick business park, a nervous phone caller in LA and a speedboat bound for Caracas – who exactly are the hit men behind the threats?

Why this story

London prides itself as an open, liberal, tolerant, global city. But there is a darker side to this. It’s also where authoritarian regimes and their enemies fight it out. 

It’s where Russia’s Vladimir Putin, in all likelihood, approved an operation to poison one of his critics with polonium in a Mayfair hotel. And it’s where Iran tries to silence its critics too. 

“Iran projects threat to the UK directly, through its aggressive intelligence services. At its sharpest this includes ambitions to kidnap or even kill British or UK-based individuals perceived as enemies of the regime. We have seen at least ten such potential threats since January alone”. 

This was the Director General of MI5, Ken McCallum, speaking towards the end of last year. We now know that the number of threats from Iran is much higher. 

In particular, the Iranian government targets its critics – often London-based journalists – working for TV news channels which broadcast in Persian back to Iran. Things have got so bad that Iran International, a TV channel based in west London, has had to suspend its operations in the UK. 

The threats seem to have ramped up because of the nationwide protests following the death in police custody last September of Mahsa Amini. She was arrested by the morality police for not wearing her headscarf correctly and died in mysterious circumstances three days later. 

So who are the people behind these attacks and how effective are their efforts to silence critics of the regime in Tehran? Paul Caruana Galizia investigates.

Past reporting
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