100 animal trivia questions to keep you busy as a bee

Test your knowledge with these questions about creatures of all kinds.

Trivia that will challenge even the biggest zoology enthusiasts.Jamie Stamey / Getty Images / iStockphoto

What do you call a group of butterflies? How many teeth does a wolf have? What's the smallest rodent in the world?

If you know the answers to these animal trivia questions, then you're guaranteed to take home the trophy at trivia night because when it comes to the animal world, you clearly know your stuff.

Even if the above questions left you stumped, not to worry — we're here to help you brush up on your skills with this fascinating collection of animal trivia questions and answers.

From fun facts on all your favorite critters including dogs, cats, horses and sea creatures, to little-known details on insects, dinosaurs and everything else animal-adjacent, this comprehensive collection of trivia questions is sure to challenge even the most knowledgeable of zoology enthusiasts.

For example, what's another name for a gnu? Or how about this: What's the only animal in the world that poops in cubes?

We'd tell you the answers, but what's the fun in that?

Instead, read on to see how much you know, as well as how much you don't. By the time you're through this list of questions and answers, you'll be a certified animal trivia expert.

  • What is the only dog breed that can't bark? Answer: The Basenji
  • What is the fastest land mammal? Answer: The cheetah
  • What is another name for a whale's blowhole? Answer: A spiracle
  • The non-venomous scarlet king snake bares a close resemblance to what lethal snake? Answer: The coral snake
  • What is the name for a group of lions? Answer: A pride
  • What venomous jellyfish can kill a human in a matter of minutes with its lethal sting? Answer: Box jellyfish
  • What do you call a group of porcupines? Answer: A prickle
  • What is the closest living relative to the T-Rex? Answer: Chicken
  • The urine of this animal glows in the dark if you shine an ultraviolet light on it. Answer: Cat
  • How many legs do ants have? Answer: Six
  • What is the smallest mammal in the world? Answer: The Etruscan shrew
  • This dangerous bird has been known to be lethal to humans with its powerful, taloned kick. Answer: Cassowary
  • What is the fastest swimming fish in the ocean? Answer: The sailfish
  • Walt Disney had a phobia over what kind of animal? Answer: Mice
  • When turned upside down, what ocean-dweller immediately goes into a trance-like state? Answer: Shark
  • Other than humans, what is the smartest animal on the planet? Answer: Chimpanzee
  • This type of house cat is almost exclusively female. Answer: Calico
  • Which U.S. state has the largest population of black bears? Answer: Alaska
  • Beneath its coat of black and white stripes, what color is the zebra's skin? Answer: Black
  • An adult wolf has how many teeth? Answer: 42
  • Mistakenly considered a rodent, rabbits are actually part of what animal family? Answer: Leporidae
  • What's the average lifespan of a hamster? Answer: Two to three years
  • What is the state bird of California? Answer: California quail
  • What do you call an adult male elephant? Answer: Bull
  • The poisonous frog can kill up to 10 people and is considered the most toxic animals on earth? Answer: The golden poison frog
  • One of the largest land animals on earth, this mammal can breathe underwater for up to five minutes. Answer: Hippopotamus
  • What is the smallest horse breed in the world? Answer: The Falabella.
  • Owned by George and Barbara Bush, this presidential dog inspired a 1992 best-selling book about her life at the White House. What was her name? Answer: Millie
  • Weighing up to 2,000 pounds, this is the largest mammal in North America. Answer: Bison
  • This North American songbird bird gets its signature bright plumage from eating a variety of wild berries and other fruits. Answer: Cardinal
  • Pigs can be found on every continent except for this one. Answer: Antarctica
  • What is the name of the mischievous Jack Russell Terrier belonging to Martin Crane on the 1990's TV series “Frasier”? Answer: Eddie
  • What U.S. Founding Father considered the turkey to be a more “respectable” bird than the Bald Eagle? Answer: Benjamin Franklin
  • Considered a delicacy by some, what is tomalley? Answer: A lobster's liver
  • What is the primary diet of a panda? Answer: Bamboo
  • The average gestation period for a pregnant giraffe is how long? Answer: Fifteen months
  • What is another name for a gnu? Answer: Wildebeest
  • When traveling in groups, this animal is referred to as a “mob.” Answer: Kangaroo
  • Among all the venomous snakes, this reptile is the longest. Answer: King cobra
  • In total, how many claws does the average house cat have? Answer: Eighteen
  • This German Shepherd starred in dozens of Hollywood films in the 1920s and was reputed to have been considered for a Best Actor Oscar. Answer: Rin Tin Tin
  • What bird has the largest brain-to-body ratio and is known for its capacity to hold a grudge? Answer: The crow
  • What marine animal uses “fish-whacking” as a means to hunt prey? Answer: The dolphin
  • What is the more common name for a “cavy?” Answer: Guinea pig.
  • Anthropologist Jane Goodall spent years in Tanzania studying what animal? Answer: The chimpanzee
  • This animal's eyes changes color from gold in the summer to blue in the winter. Answer: Reindeer
  • A flock of swimming ducks is known as what? Answer: A paddling
  • Having an extreme fear of animals is known as what type of anxiety? Answer: Zoophobia
  • What is the world's deadliest spider? Answer: The Sydney funnel-web spider
  • What country boasts the largest population of wild tigers? Answer: India
  • To help keep sand out of their eyes, how many sets of eyelids do camels have? Answer: Three
  • Translating into "field tiger," the name of this American wild cat comes from the Aztec word “tlalocelot." Answer: Ocelot
  • How many fingers does a racoon have? Answer: Five
  • Minks, ferrets, badgers and wolverines are all part of what animal family? Answer: Mustelidae
  • This marsupial is the only animal in the world to poop in cubes. Answer: The wombat
  • This animal looks like a scaly anteater and is known for its ability to curl into protective ball and roll when it's threatened. Answer: Pangolin
  • Male mountain goats are known as “billies,” babies are “kids.” What are female mountain goats called? Answer: Nannies
  • The bald eagle is the national bird of the U.S. What is the national mammal? Answer: The American bison
  • Known as the “stinkbird,” this South American bird has a burp that smells similar to cow manure. Answer: The hoatzin
  • One of the rarest animals in the world, this antelope-like mammal is often referred to as the “Asian unicorn” due to the long horns protruding from its head. Answer: The saola
  • What do you call a group of owls? Answer: A parliament
  • What fish can emit a shock of up to 800 volts? Answer: Electric eel
  • Michael Jackson famously kept a chimp as a pet. What was the name of his primate? Answer: Bubbles
  • What is the largest living lizard on earth? Answer: The Komodo dragon
  • What is the only bird that can fly backwards? Answer: Hummingbird
  • Approximately how many silkworm cocoons does it take to make one pound of silk? Answer: Two thousand
  • What is the only flying mammal? Answer: The bat
  • A diet of shrimp and algae is responsible for this bird's bright pink appearance. Answer: The flamingo
  • True or false: Starfish are fish. Answer: False. Starfish are invertebrates
  • These two farm animals have rectangular pupils. Answer: Sheep and goats
  • While serving as U.S. president, Bill Clinton kept a house cat at the White House. What was its name? Answer: Socks
  • Native to Central and South America, this animal has algae, fungi, moths and other insects colonized in its fur which helps camouflage it from predators. Answer: The sloth
  • What country boasts the largest population of domestic cats in the world? Answer: The United States
  • What breed of horse holds the world record for being the biggest and the tallest? Answer: The Shire
  • The 1988 film “Gorillas in the Mist” is based on the true story of what American zoologist and conservationist? Answer: Dian Fossey.
  • A group of turtle eggs is known as a what? Answer: Clutch
  • With patches of white, iridescent, fur on its face, this member of the Ailuridae family is sometimes said to glow in the dark. Answer: The red panda
  • The 2013 novelty song “The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)” was written and performed by what Norwegian band? Answer: Ylvis
  • Typically found in southern Africa, what is the more common name for the suricate? Answer: Meerkat
  • This animal is the largest land predator in Australia. Answer: The dingo
  • What is the state bird of Maine? Answer: The chickadee
  • A group of penguins on land is called a waddle. A group of penguins in the water is called what? Answer: A raft
  • In the classic Beatrix Potter book “The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle,” what kind of animal is Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle? Answer: A hedgehog
  • Found in Australia, this cheerful-looking wallaby hops like a rabbit and looks similar to a mini kangaroo. Answer: The quokka
  • What is the smallest member of the camel family? Answer: The vicuña
  • Found primarily on rocky coastlines, these birds are often referred to as “sea parrots” due to their bright orange beaks. Answer: Puffins
  • Among the largest in the world, this butterfly is also considered one of the most poisonous. Answer: The African giant swallowtail
  • Dogs typically have have how many nails (or toes) on each of their front paws? Answer: Five
  • How many hearts does an octopus have? Answer: Three
  • What do you call a group of monkeys? Answer: A troop
  • The 1972 book “Watership Down” by Richard Adams tells the story of a colony of what kind of animal? Answer: Rabbit
  • After the ostrich, what's the world's largest living bird? Answer: The emu
  • The rise of the dinosaurs occurred millions of years ago during what period? Answer: Triassic period
  • Measuring at 24 inches, this blue-tongued lizard is the largest member of the skink family. Answer: Eastern blue-tongued skink
  • What do you call a group of butterflies? Answer: A kaleidoscope
  • What kind of dog is Scooby-Doo? Answer: Great Dane
  • These gentle sea creatures can grow up to 60 feet long making them the largest fish in the ocean. Answer: Whale sharks
  • This “crazy, nasty” animal became a cultural phenom after a 2011 YouTube video celebrated its bad attitude. Answer: Honey badger
  • What is the world's most endangered marine mammal? Answer: The vaquita
  • What mouse-looking creature holds the distinction of being the smallest rodent in the world? Answer: The Pygmy jerboa