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Angel number 222 meaning: Why this number could mean new relationships

New romantic relationships or friendships could be on the way with a 222 sighting.

Have you been seeing 2:22 on clocks, 222 on license plates or $2.22 on receipts lately? You could be receiving a message.

Spiritual practitioners believe that series of repeating digits — like 111, 222 and 333 — are signs from a higher power. Often known as angel numbers, these sequences can be a sign of good luck, while other numbers can signify a call to action.

Here's what a series of twos could mean for your future.

What are angel numbers?

Sequences of repeating digits are often referred to as "angel numbers" in astrology and are believed to be messages from higher powers, according to numerology expert Novalee Wilder.

Angel numbers can be repeating patterns spotted throughout your life, as well, Wilder noted, such as seeing three black cats in a row.

“Angel numbers are confirmation that spirit is with you. That you are being guided or that you are on the right path,” Frances Naude, reiki master, tarot reader and spiritual mentor, says.

She gives an example of the nudge of encouragement an angel number can provide. Let’s say you’re brainstorming something, then you see an angel number. “That’s a confirmation yes,” she says.

But if you’re in a hard moment or are feeling sad, they take on a different form. “I call them angel hugs. It’s this very loving hug or wink from the universe that you’re going to be OK.”

Beyond numbers, she says signs of affirmation can also come in the form of repetition, coincidence or synchronicity.

Psychic medium and best-selling author Laura Lynne Jackson tells that repeating numbers like 111 can be signs from your spirit team, which she calls your “Team of Light,” or a higher power.

“Those types of numbers are your Team of Light’s way of saying you are in the flow of light of the universe,” she said. “It means you’re exactly where you’re meant to be on your path in that moment.”

Jackson explained that through her readings, she’s found that spirit teams can manipulate numbers to send a message, which is why they often choose this format. She noted, however, that angel numbers don’t necessarily have to have a specific meaning to send a message.

“When we go through challenging times or difficult times, you’re usually exactly where you’re meant to be,” Jackson said.

Angel number 222 meaning

If you spot a series of twos, it likely means that good things are on the way, according to TODAY's resident astrologist Lisa Stardust.

In astrology, twos are typically a sign of harmony, balance and partnership, Stardust said, calling the sighting a "really good omen."

Because twos naturally give a dualistic energy, Wilder said that this particular angel number could indicate a relationship is coming into your life if you’re single, or that you should be paying closer attention to the partnerships currently in your life.

Add it all up, and keywords for 222 include partnership, harmony, balance, commitment and compromise.

Professional aura reader Megan Firester shared her explanation behind 222 in “The Angel Numbers Book: How to Understand the Messages Your Spirit Guides Are Sending You.” The book explores hundreds of number patterns, though she explains that most derive from a base number — in this case, the number two.

“Trust: You build your life with gratitude,” she wrote of seeing the number two. “It’s not just the big things you can hope for; it’s also the little things, which keep everything together. You are never alone, and your angels are reminding you that so many small things together create a miraculous and cumulative outcome.”

The digit repeating itself twice in 22 could be telling you to believe that “you are building the life you want.”

“Your angels are in direct communication with you,” she wrote. “This number is a powerful message that your life is being created with their divine assistance. You are in a space of high-vibrational energy right now!”

When the twos repeat three times to make 222, this could be a sign to “trust your place in life right now.”

“You are in the right place at the right time. Take a look around and enjoy the moment,” Firester wrote. “Everything is where it’s supposed to be.”

What does angel number 222 mean for love?

Seeing 222 is likely sending a message to focus your attention on your heart connections, meaning friendships, romantic relationships and family ties, according to Wilder.

However, she noted that twos do not signify brief connections or everyday encounters. The angel numbers are referring to the deep (and sometimes challenging) connections in your life, and likely those that you've been thinking about lately or causing some heartache.

Twos do not carry a heavy energy, though, Wilder said, adding that it's rather fun and playful. Your angels could be inviting you to let go and take things lightly.

“Could this be easier?” Wilder invited people to ask themselves about their relationships. “Could you have fun with this? Have you forgotten to have fun in this relationship? Have you forgotten the lightness of it?”

Stardust said she tends to equate two energy specifically to the Two of Cups card in tarot, which is about two people coming together to “strike harmony and balance to work cooperatively together.”

What should you do if you keep seeing angel number 222?

If you're seeing twos all over the place, try to relinquish control of a situation and trust the process. According to Wilder, the message is less about controlling a relationship and more about taking it as an invitation for change and improvement.

For friendships, Wilder suggested trying out a fun, new activity as opposed to falling into old habits. Say If you find yourself constantly gossiping with a friend and it's bringing negative energy into your life, try an activity that brings excitement and positivity.

In a romantic relationship, lean into cultivating a sense of fun. Wilder advised to not make dates too serious, but rather spend time doing something light-hearted. Rather than concentrating on finding the spark again, act with generosity and have fun. You'll make the spark yourself.

Firester advised those seeing repeating twos to create a gratitude list to remember that “many small things” add up to a “miraculous” life.

For those seeing 22 all over the place, she provided the following mantra: “I believe in myself as I grow.”