
A strong company and a strong team


We firmly believe that the TIGER Team spirit is the key success-factor for the leadership position we achieved. Trust, respect and appreciation for each contribution are the foundation and energizers for our Team success.

Our Vision is to give people the opportunity to grow. Room to develop their wonderful talents. To excel as individuals and as a team: worldwide. With over 1,300 employees we produce, research and advise at the highest level every day.

The TIGER Corporate Executive Council (CEC)

TIGER Corporate Executive Council se koná jednou za 1 – 2 roky. V těchto dnech se – „vzdáleni každodenní práci“ – setkávají kolegové a kolegyně firmy TIGER z celého světa v příjemné a uvolněné atmosféře, zažívají unikátní teambuilding a navrhují vize pro budoucnost firmy TIGER.

TIGER Řízení

from left to right
Ing. Dipl. Wirtsch. Ing. (FH) Thomas Loibl  | Chief Operating Officer
DI Dr. Clemens Steiner | Chief Executive Officer
Prok. Ing. Elisabeth Berghofer  | Chairwoman of Supervisory Board | HR
Dr. Reinhold Freiseisen, MBA | Chief Financial Officer
KR Ing. Kurt Berghofer |  Chairman of Advisory Council

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