Due to the size of our product range, we offer different options on our website to find the desired product. In addition to browsing the product categories (via the tabs in the horizontal navigation bar or the menu tab with the 3 bars) you can also use our product search. Immediately after typing a search term – without first clicking the “Enter” button – search links to manufacturers, categories and products are listed. If you would not like to use these search suggestions, you can simply press “Enter” and the results of the keyword search will be listed.
Our search engine searches for products that match precisely. For example, if you are looking for Yamaha mixing consoles, then the search "Yamaha mixing console" will show you corresponding products from Yamaha. If you want to search for mixers from two or more manufacturers (e.g. "Yamaha Alesis mixer"), then use our OR search.
Our OR search "(keyword 1 OR keyword 2)" allows you to display results from two or more manufacturers, products or categories. If you want a search term to always be included, use a plus "+search term" in front of the word or a minus "-search term" if you want to exclude a term. According to the above example, the search should look like this: "(Yamaha OR Alesis) +mixing console".
If many results are found, you can narrow them down to a product category, a manufacturer or a price range using the corresponding links in the left sidebar.
In many product categories there are especially adapted search filters for the respective product group in the left navigation bar. There you can then select not only by manufacturer and price range, but also by specific product features such as colour, size, design, etc.
Unfortunately, we are in an industry where there are different spellings for almost every piece of equipment (except ukuleles) and for many categories and manufacturers, which cannot all be covered by our search engine. If in doubt, please try several spellings, as even the simplest products can appear in different spellings (jack cable, jack-jack cable, guitar cable, instrument cable etc.).
Should you ever not find a product, you are welcome to send us an e-mail to [email protected] and we will track down the product for you and make you the best possible offer for the desired item - of course together with the usual Thomann services (money-back guarantee, 3-year Thomann warranty etc.).
Another tip: If you already know the item number of a product, you can enter it directly into our search window to get to the desired product.