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To put it simple this can do almost anything i need working at one of my venues. They have built in speakers but many of them have no mixers or ability to play music without a desk.
With this Trim-Two i can input background music into any speaker input throughout the building and control volume from the DI. Its simple enough that the staff can use this for day to day work without me and there has never been a problem to date
When using with the rest of my rig as the DI from computers for conferences or from DJ controllers into my rig it gives me incredible quality every time.
Pros: RCA, 1/4" and 3.5mm inputs mean anything from a phone to a keyboard can be used through this box, Its robust and can take a drop, its solid and wont slide when put ontop of objects due to foam underneather.
Cons: It is quite expensive for a box but invest in this and it will outlast any other box like it, and the quality will be unmatched
Esta es de lejos, una de las mejores inversiones que he realizado para mi equipo en mucho tiempo. Gracias a este DI mi piano eléctrico ha cobrado una calidez única y se nota tanto en mi oído como en el público para el que toco.
Très bon produit que ce soit, qualité audio et en conception pour du concert ou de l'événementiel
La carcasse du boitier qui protège les boutons, la connectique et le rotatif
Le seul "hic", c'est la mousse qui est sous la DI !
La transportant en valise ou avec un sac à dos avec des adaptateur audio, cable ou autre "bidouille" audio ...
J'ai peur que la mousse ne dure pas longtemps !
Pourquoi ne pas avoir opté pour du Caoutchouc ?
(Comme les AR 133 de chez BSS ou les DN 100 de chez Klark)