The main office of the business Vovox AG is in Ebikon (CH). The official German branch office is business S.E.A. Vertrieb & Consulting GmbH in Emsbüren (D).
Vovox products exclusively come from factories in Switzerland.
You can find 95 Vovox products at Thomann 87 of them are ready for dispatch . We've been selling Vovox products since 2006, so for over 19 year(s).
Among our top sellers there are 2 Vovox products at the moment e.g. in the following product categories Instrument Cables and Microphone Cables.
The availability of Vovox products sets a fine example with availability being 97%, it's above-average. 87 Vovox products are in stock with us at the moment and can be shipped immediately or can be tested in our shop.
According to our reviews, our customers rate Vovox products with an average of 4.8 out of five stars. This is well above the average of other brands.
Vovox grants its customers a 2 year(s) warranty on all products. We extend this warranty for our customers by one year and offer a 3-Year Thomann Warranty.
Among the famous musicians who use Vovox equipment are the following Angus Aird, Ian McCamy, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Tom Rahn, Mike Brosnan, Daniel Baetge, Justin Balk, Philippe Merk, Gwenael Damman and Christy Doran.
You can find more information about the manufacturer on