The Movie Database Support

Some image sizes do not load.

e.g. This one loads:

This one does not:

Same poster, different sizes.

I have seen several others, including cast/crew profile images, that load in one size and not another. In fact, so far all the posters I've tried at size w342 do not load. I checked the /configuration endpoint and that size is still listed for posters.

Anyone know what's going on?

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@roam said:
Some image sizes are not loading
Some image sizes do not load.
This one loads:
This one does not:

Same poster, different sizes.

I have seen several others, including cast/crew profile images, that load in one size and not another.
In fact, so far all the posters I've tried at size w342 do not load.
I checked the /configuration endpoint and that size is still listed for posters.
Anyone know what's going on?

For me, both opened without problems.
It may have been a temporary problem.
Please try opening again and let us know the result here.
If it doesn't open, please let us know here:

  • Your device
  • Your operating system
  • Your browser

Sounds good, I tried both Chrome and Edge, but I'll try on another device/OS/network.

@ticao2 said: For me, both opened without problems.

Sorry, just to clarify, both images loaded, but the one that worked shows the full image, the one that didn't shows an image that is 1px and is white. Is that what you're seeing? Or are you seeing a full image for the w342 one?

@roam said:

@ticao2 said:
For me, both opened without problems.

Sorry, just to clarify, both images loaded, but the one that worked shows the full image,
the one that didn't shows an image that is 1px and is white.
Is that what you're seeing?


Or are you seeing a full image for the w342 one?

I see full image for w342.
Same as w154.
Try the original.

I have:
HP Notebook
Windows 11
Firefox 133.0.3 (64-bits)

What about you?

Yeah it definitely is the device. Tried it on another one and it worked. Sorry for not trying that earlier! Thanks for the suggestion.

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