The Movie Database -tuki

I am just wondering what do you use to get the cast list for each indivudaul episode for the api since aggregate credits is for the full series cast but not for the episodes only?

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Since we are currently using aggregate credits but that is getting the full seris cast but its ignorign the episode cast only list. aka the regular season actors and guest stars that appeared in just that episode.

Also this is the exact problem The issue is the TMDb Series credits via Aggregate Credits returns Episode credits as well as series regulars.

All the credits are being duplicated in episodes how to stop that and only show the actual episoede actors are available we are using both aggegratet credits and credits?

It will depends of which credits you want to get for each episode.

You need first to use the credits method at the episode level to get the guest stars.

If you want the complete cast of the episode (including the regulars), you need to also use the credits method at the season level.

For episodes its only showing the guest star but no assigned role andits not showing the season regulars and the guest satars. example I did the Bluey episode the beach it showed the guest star Layne Beachley but it didtn assign a role and its not showing the season season regulars.

How do you get the episode to show the season regualars as well.

Read my answer above.

But is not showing the roles just the actors for the epsidoes.

The "character" played is available in the answer of these methods.

that doestn solve the problem of it not showng the roles for the actors in the episodes and only the guest stars.

and not the character they played it only shows the actor name for both actor and cahracterr.

This problem is located in the code of Media Companion, not in our API.

Im not the creartor im trying to figure out what hes doing wrong im trying to help him by reaching out to you.

It will be much simpler if Rob come here directly as he know the code of his application.

What you are currently doing is render the things more complicated, taking in account that you don't know the code of the application.

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