No thanks. We got plenty of her already from this movie! There's only so much wooden acting and embarrassingly bad and sluggish movie fighting you can watch in a year. Now the scene where she was doing the dishes - that was about the only believable acting in the movie!
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Réponse de VHS-VANDAL
le 24 avril 2019 à 13h50
Réponse de jorgito2001
le 25 avril 2019 à 05h42
Agreed OP, who gives a rats a$$ about Capt Marvel returning!
Réponse de Innovator
le 26 avril 2019 à 10h16
You do realize with Brie Larson returning for End Game, it means the she will be in 2 Marvel movies breaking a billion dollars straight (her only 2 Marvel appearances so far), right?
Réponse de jorgito2001
le 26 avril 2019 à 12h00
Yay for her and her potential upcoming paydays. Saw EndGame last night and she's barely given anything to do!
Réponse de Innovator
le 27 avril 2019 à 19h27
She did enough to serve the story when they needed to deal with somethings quickly, she is quite op. Did you really want her to do more?
Réponse de Midi-chlorian_Count
le 7 septembre 2019 à 14h10
I don't care about arguing about Brie Larson one way or the other but Daisy Ridley, Vin Diesel, Emma Watson and Chris Pratt have all been in multiple billion dollar movies. Not really sure therefore what that means in terms of being a stamp of quality 🤔
Réponse de autoexec.batman
le 7 septembre 2019 à 16h46
So you're saying that the first two Guardians of the Galaxy movies earned a billion?
Réponse de VHS-VANDAL
le 7 septembre 2019 à 21h50
Réponse de Midi-chlorian_Count
le 8 septembre 2019 à 02h07
No, I didn't say that. Didn't mention them.
Réponse de autoexec.batman
le 8 septembre 2019 à 05h43
That's exactly my point, that you're being a dumbass.
The claim was that Brie Larson started in two movies that earned one billion IN HER FIRST TWO MCU FILMS.
Then you responded by saying "so what, Chris Pratt did the same thing" but he did not. Chris Pratt did not star in two movies that earned one billion IN HIS FIRST TWO MCU FILMS. Your brilliant "analogy" wasn't even close to being analogous and all you did was make yourself look like a dumbass.
You are clearly responding to posts that you either don't read or don't understand.
Réponse de Midi-chlorian_Count
le 8 septembre 2019 à 06h44
First of all I'm going to say I'm really disappointed in you @autoexec.batman. I remember you from back in the old imdb days and I had in mind that you were a pretty decent, considerate poster. Now I'm reading crap from you like calling me a dumbass and saying garbage like "responding to posts that you either don't read or don't understand". This site's been going downhill with just a few trolls seemingly feeding off each other or whoever else they can intimidate whenever they "step on their territory". Shame that it's seems you're actually in that number too.
As to why what you've written is absolute rubbish, here's a link to the page I was reading before I made my post last night:-
You see Daisy Ridley's Star Wars films in there? Vin Diesel's Fast & Furious efforts? Emma Watson's Harry Potter and Disney live action cash grab? How about Chris Pratt's Jurassic World films? Do you seem THEM?
Now go back and have another read of my initial post in reply to @Innovator - I said just two things, 1. I had no interest in arguing about Brie Larson, and 2. I listed actors, including Chris Pratt, who had been in multiple billion dollar films and questioned therefore whether box office was any barometer of an actor's quality. That. Was. It.
So unless you can show me somewhere were I actually referenced Guardians of the Galaxy (here's a clue - I didn't) that's the problem when you decide to act like a complete asshole to a total stranger on a forum, it leaves you looking like an idiot. e.g. talking about analogies that you've pulled out of thin air. Like I said at the start here though it's a shame because I really thought you were a decent poster. I'll leave you to reflect on your own closing comment:-
Réponse de Innovator
le 8 septembre 2019 à 07h54
I think it would have more sense if you went with:
But then they're quality actors aren't they?
Réponse de Midi-chlorian_Count
le 8 septembre 2019 à 08h05
Well it may have done had I actually been talking about the MCU at all...
Problem is that there was a jumping assumption made (followed by some completely unnecessary vitriol) which I still don't even understand how was possible given I also mentioned Daisy Ridley and Emma Watson who - as far as I'm aware - haven't starred in ANY MCU films at all.
Réponse de Innovator
le 8 septembre 2019 à 08h19
I believe their argument fell more into your point is mute as my post you were responding to specifically was pointing out that Brie Larson will only appear great to Marvel/Disney as her only roles in the MCU both garnered the company a billion dollars each which only the other 4 actors above have incidentally accomplished, and in their (and the shareholders) eyes would equate her to being a quality/box office garnering actress (also her academy award would do that as well).
Réponse de Midi-chlorian_Count
le 8 septembre 2019 à 08h28
Well possibly but that argument itself is *moot given - as I've pointed out multiple times now - I made no reference to the MCU at all. That was picked out of thin air by someone looking to troll. Which is why, this:-
was a completely laughable huge reach.