To unge marinesoldater blir tiltalt for drapet på en medsoldat under en såkalt "straffeaksjon" – en ulovlig disiplinærstraff. Offeret hadde brutt kommandokjeden og sin æreskodeks ved å sende et brev til sin eksterne base, hvor han truet med å avsløre lovbrudd på basen. Løytnant Kaffee, en ung og uerfaren advokat fra forsvarets justisavdeling, blir satt til å forsvare dem i håp om et raskt forlik og at man skal unngå skandale. Men saken stinker av korrupsjon, og Kaffee starter en grundig etterforskning sammen kapteinløytnant Joanne Galloway. En undersøkelse som langsom løfter sløret for drap, maktmisbruk og korrupsjon i elite-offiserenes rekker...
On August 27, 2011, the Billabong Pro Tahiti event on surfing's World Tour was placed on hold due to a massive swell bearing down on the famed big-wave spot, Teahupoo. Paddling into waves was out of the question and the Billabong Pro was given a layday. In one of the most talked about sessions of the decade, history was made as a handful of international chargers whipped into some of the most nightmarish waves ever surfed in Tahiti. The swell proved to be so immense that the Tahitian government issued a "Code Red" warning, banning the surrounding seas of boats and watercraft. The lineup at Teahupoo, it seems, was an exception. See the historic day through the eyes of two surfers -- the young gun Laurie Towner and the veteran Dylan Longbottom -- as they catch some of the biggest, most dangerous surf ever recorded, much of it captured with the super slow motion Phantom Camera for never-before-seen imagery.