101-godišnja Rose DeWitt Bukater priča priču o svom životu na Titanicu, 84 godine kasnije. Mlada Rose ukrca se na brod s majkom i zaručnikom. U međuvremenu Jack Dawson i Fabrizio De Rossi osvajaju trećerazredne karte na brodu. Rose priča cijelu priču od polaska Titanica do njegova potonuća - na njegovom prvom i posljednjem putovanju - 15. travnja 1912. godine.
Kada dolini u kojoj žive zaprijeti otapanje leda koji je okružuje, mamut Manny, ljenivac Sid i sabljasti tigar Diego počinju savjetovati ostale životinje da potraže novo skrovište, prije negoli isteknu tri dana tijekom kojih bi se voda mogla probiti u njihov dom. Bježeći, trojac susreće žensku mamuticu Ellie, koja je uvjerena kako je zapravo oposum, poput njene zaigrane braće. U međuvremenu, vjeverica Scrat i dalje svoj lješnjak pokušava sačuvati i usred najčudnijih okolnosti.
Admiral Harriman Nelson konstruirao je najmoderniju atomsku podmornicu. Kapetan je Lee Crane čija je žena Cathy Connors Nelsonova tajnica. Admiralov najbliži suradnik je znanstvenik Lucius Emery. U podmornici se nalaze i gosti: političari i dr. Susan Hiller, koje admiral mora uvjeriti da je uistinu riječ o superpodmornici. Iznenada začuju zvuk poput eksplozije i primijete velike komade leda koji tonu. Podmornica izroni, a nebo doslovno gori. Preko televizije saznaju da gori cijela Zemlja zato što se iz neobjašnjivih razloga zapalio Van Alenov radioaktivni pojas koji okružuje zemaljsku kuglu. Admiral i Lucius se pridruže svjetskim znanstvenicima koji pokušavaju spasiti svijet. Ako žele pogoditi radioaktivni pojas, moraju otploviti do daleke točke u oceanu s koje će ispaliti projektil. Ako za šesnaest dana ne stigne do tog odredišta, više neće moći postići idealan kut za ispaljivanje rakete. Na svoju ruku krene s podmornicom prema cilju.
Herzog and cinematographer Peter Zeitlinger go to Antarctica to meet people who live and work there, and to capture footage of the continent's unique locations. Herzog's voiceover narration explains that his film will not be a typical Antarctica film about "fluffy penguins", but will explore the dreams of the people and the landscape.
The story is based on the real events of 1985. The team of a Russian polar icebreaker “Mikhail Gromov” discovered a giant iceberg. The ship came into collision while attempting to take cover from the weather and is forced to drift with ice along the Amundsen Sea coast. The crew of “Gromov” spent 133 days of polar night trying to find a way out of their icy trap. They have no room for mistakes; one wrong move and the vessel is crushed by ice.
Potonuće Titanika je predstavljeno na realističan način u ovoj napetoj britanskoj drami. Katastrofa je prikazana u velikoj mjeri iz perspektive drugog časnika na brodu. Unatoč brojnim upozorenjima na led, brod isplovi, napredujući stabilnim tempom. Kada brod udari santa leda, posada i putnici otkriju da na brodu nema dovoljno čamaca za spašavanje, i tragedija počinje.
An American woman falls in love with a romantic Parisian head waiter who tries to save her from her possessive wealthy ex-husband who wants to keep her under his control.
Veliki brod isplovi i punom parom hrli u susret katastrofi. Propast luksuznog putničkog broda RMS Titanic 1912. godine čitav je svijet doživio kao prvi znak katastrofe do koje će jednog dana dovesti tehnički napredak. Njemačkom filmu Titanic iz 1943. pošlo je za rukom da tu tragediju iskoristi kao temelj za antibritansku propagandu. Iskvarena moć novca ili, bolje rečeno, cinični britanski 'berzanski' kapitalizam (Börsenkapitalismus), kako su nacisti pogrdno nazivali ekonomski sustav u Velikoj Britaniji, brod su, navodno, bukvalno otjerale u propast. Vlasnik linije po svaku cijenu je htio postaviti novi rekord u brzini putovanja. On se nadao da će na taj način omogućiti porast vrijednosti dionica njegove tvrtke, što bi ga spasilo od bankrota. Da bi ostvario taj cilj, spreman je i da sve putnike i članove posade otjera u propast. Na opasnost u kojoj se brod nalazi upozorava samo prvi časnik, Nijemac Petersen (izmišljeni lik), ali ga nitko ne sluša.
When an underhanded pharmaceutical company goes to a remote tropical island to steal King Kong for advertising purposes, they get more than they bargained for when the gigantic ape attacks an unsuspecting village and an enormous octopus.
The Titanic disaster as seen through the eyes of one couple in each of the three classes on board.
On April 10, 1912, the RMS Titanic embarked on its maiden voyage, sailing from Southampton, England, to New York City. One of the largest and most luxurious passenger liners at the time, the Titanic was also equipped with watertight compartments, which led many to consider the ship unsinkable; an anonymous deckhand famously claimed that “God himself could not sink this ship.” On April 14, however, the ship struck an iceberg, and early the next day it sank. Some 1,500 people perished.
Computer-generated imagery and other visualization techniques reveal how it would look if all the water was removed from RMS Titanic's final resting place.
The "unsinkable" Titanic was a dream come true: four city blocks long and a passenger list worth 250 million dollars. But on her maiden voyage in April 1912, that dream became a nightmare when the giant ship struck an iceberg and sunk in the cold North Atlantic. More than 1,500 lives were lost in one of the greatest disasters of the 20th century. Now, using newsreels, stills, diaries, and exclusive interviews with survivors, Titanic: The Complete Story recounts the sensational history of the premier liner. In Part I: Death of a Dream, the largest ship ever built is christened in Ireland before a cheering crowd of 100,000. Witness the disaster this trek becomes as numerous iceberg warnings go unheeded and the ship sinks in the icy North Atlantic. In Part II: The Legend Lives On, over-packed lifeboats edge away from the crippled liner as a futile SOS signals flare into the night--leaving 1,500 passengers to a watery grave.
When her parents and fiancé are lost in the Titanic disaster, young Edwina Winfield shoulders the responsibility of raising her three younger siblings and taking over the reins at her father's newspaper. Although she has no shortage of new would-be suitors, the memory of her lost love continues to haunt her, so she focuses instead on providing a stable home for the children, rather than marrying. But her forcefulness alienates some of the kids, who have plans of their own and rebel against her. Can she hold her fractured family together, and will she ever overcome her ghosts to shake herself out of martyrdom and have a real life of her own?
The evil mastermind Fu Manchu plots his latest scheme to basically freeze over the Earth's oceans with his diabolical new device. Opposing him is his arch-nemesis, Interpol's very British Nayland Smith.
Seb embarks on a unique journey by joining Mike Horn for a few days on a stage of Mike's new expedition. Unaware of what to expect, Seb returns with lots of beautiful memories and lessons. Although not presented as a traditional documentary, Seb encapsulates his experience in a captivating vignette, eager to share this remarkable chapter of his life with others.
A short animation about a boy who sees an iceberg coming. Will he be in time to warn the captain?
During a whaling expedition in the late 1800's, the aging Captain Bering Joy (Lionel Barrymore) and his new first mate, Dan Lunceford (Richard Widmark) engage in a battle of wills concerning the education of the captain's struggling grandson.
When Dale and Frank spark an environmental catastrophe that threatens to destroy the entire planet, these clueless hosers must travel back in time to set the future right.
Antarctica is the most extreme continent on our planet—higher, colder, and even drier than any other on Earth, and although it is thousands of miles away, what happens here affects every single one of us.