41 filmų

Agnès, Juliette and Carmen's neighbour, writes children's storybooks that take place in a fantasy world, The Kingdom of the Winds. The intrepid sisters discover a passageway between their world and this extraordinary universe. Once on the other side the girls take on the appearance of cats, and discover Sirocco, a terrifying character who can control the wind.

Norėdamas sutvarkyti verslo reikalus su gan įtartinu žmogeliu Mao Če, kelliautojas Indiana Džounsas užsuka į Šanchajaus naktinį klubą. Jame šoka amerikietė kabareto šokėja Willie Scott, kuri labiausiai nori pagrobti prabangų mėlyną deimantą. Kyla didžiulis sąmyšis, linksmą nuotaiką pakeičia kruvinos muštynės, bet Indianos Džounso ir Willie gyvybes išgelbsti 12-os metų azijietis berniukas. Trijulė išskrenda lėktuvu, susiklosčius palinkybėm, iš jo iššoka ir atsiduria Burmos džiunglėse. Iš vietinių gyventojų atvykėliai sužino, kad apylinkėse paslaptingai dingsta maži vaikai. Indiana Džounsas pasižada surasti garsųjį Šankaros akmenį ir išgelbėti tūkstančius vaikų, kuriuos vergais yra pavertęs blogasis imperatorius Mola Ramas. Jis verčia vaikus kasinėti ir ieškoti antikinių akmenų, kuriuos turintis žmogus taps visagaliu.

2007 gruodžio 7

Drama „Atpirkimas“ pastatyta pagal to paties pavadinimo Iano McEwano 2002-ųjų metų romaną. Filmo veiksmas apima kelis dešimtmečius. 13-metė mergaitė Brionė negrįžtamai pakeičia keleto žmonių, tarp jų ir savo pačios, likimus. Karštą 1935-ųjų metų vasaros dieną mergaitė pamato nekaltą tarno sūnaus Robio (aktorius Jamesas McAvoy‘us) flirtą su savo vyresniąja seserimi Sesilija (akt. Keira Knightley). Neteisingas mergaitės supratimas to, ką matė, įvykius pakreipia lemtinga jų visų gyvenimams vaga, fone siaučiant Antrajam pasauliniam karui. Nors Sesilija ir Robis myli vienas kitą, remiantis Brionės kaltinimais, tarno sūnus suimamas už nusikaltimą, kurio jis nepadarė. Einant metams, mergaitė turi susitaikyti su ją slegiančia kalte, privalo susigyventi su kančia dėl savo klaidos. Diena po dienos ji atranda ir suvokia amžinos meilės jėgą; diena po dienos ji eina sunkiu keliu į savo asmeninių nuodėmių atpirkimą.

1983 rugpjūčio 17

Filmo pasakojimas dėliojamas iš pagrindinio herojaus Aleksejaus, kurio prototipas yra pats Andrejus Tarkovskis, prisiminimų ir sapnų, į kuriuos sugrįžta jo motina, kaimo pievos, vaikystės namas, taip pat žmona Natalija ir sūnus Ignatas. Filmas apima tris laiko atkarpas – prieškarį, karą ir pokarį. Tačiau esminis įvykis, palikęs Aleksejaus gyvenime įspaudą – tėvų skyrybos. Filme herojaus nematome, tik girdime. Tačiau tai, kas matoma, yra jo atspindys.

1928 gegužės 20

The just-out-of-college, effete son of a no-nonsense steamboat captain comes to visit his father whom he's not seen since he was a child.

2014 gegužės 21

After a family survives Hurricane Katrina, there is another storm but this one is much worse.

1993 spalio 13

A woman on the run from her abusive husband encounters a mysterious hitch-hiker.

1928 lapkričio 4

When Letty Mason relocates to West Texas, she finds herself unsettled by the ever-present wind and sand. Arriving at her new home at the ranch of her cousin, Beverly, she receives a surprisingly cold welcome from his wife, Cora. Soon tensions in the family and unwanted attention from a trio of suitors leave Letty increasingly disturbed.

1980 gruodžio 12

An ancient Indian warrior who has reached the end of his life is brought back from his 'death' to save his family from a raiding party of enemy Indians in this unique story of 'Indians without a single cowboy.

2017 spalio 5

An experimental romantic thriller, Solo is the story of four different men, their love, rage and afterlife. Through four elements - water, air, fire and earth, they also represent different facets of Lord Siva.

1965 gruodžio 23

The building of a railroad under tough conditions from searing heat to freezing cold in the Sonora desert provokes clashes of passion and struggles between the engineers and the workers at the campsite. The workers also contend with sudden dust storms that are called the 'black wind'. Based on true events.

2010 kovo 14

A man travels through corporate corruption and his own sin to find his soul.

A struggling musician takes a job teaching music to middle school children in a rural mining town.

Based on a real testimony, "Where the cold burns" takes us back in time through an atmospheric journey towards the feelings of a woman. Aurora arrives at her childhood home in the midst of an accumulation of fog and intense cold. Uneasy, she visits this place to reunite with her dead father. But the past overwhelms her, those uncomfortable events of her childhood are relived, which has been marked by the love and abuse of her father.

Dutch documentary filmmaker Joris Ivens follows the course of the famous wind as it originates in the Alps and finds its way to the Mediterranean Sea. Natural sounds and creative camera work provide a mood film showing the effect of the fury of the wind on the life of southern France.

2024 rugpjūčio 22

Life is like a wind that passes and disappears unnoticed

Five university friends receive an amulet each from a Fortune Teller representing five elements: Wood, Earth, Fire, Wind and Gold. After interrupting the breakup of a couple, one of the girls from the group goes missing and is later found dead. Her cause of death related to her amulet. The remainder of the group receive a text message threatening to kill them using their amulet elements - but can they work out the mysterious person behind the message and stop their impending death before its too late?

The special event is a stage show held on December 20, 2009 at Shibuya C.C. Lemon Hall, to commemorate the release of the movie Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider W & Decade Movie Taisen 2010. It features the casts and song artists from the Kamen Rider W TV series.

2024 rugpjūčio 21

In an isolated community, a young indigenous woman fights for her freedom after enduring sexual assaults. Confronted with a life-altering decision, she stands at a crossroads between resisting or forging a path away from the shackles of violence.

In the collection Science Please!, the first clip, entitled The Wind, explains the phenomenon of the wind with the help of archives, animation and narration.

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