14 ფილმები

ოქტომბერი 9, 2009

Four couples, all friends, descend on a tropical island resort. Though one husband and wife are there to work on their marriage, the others just want to enjoy some fun in the sun. They soon find, however, that paradise comes at a price: Participation in couples therapy sessions is mandatory. What started out as a cut-rate vacation turns into an examination of the common problems many face.

რამინი ახალგაზრდა ჰომოსექსუალური მამაკაცია, რომელიც რეპრესიების გამო ირანს დატოვებს და ვერაკრუზში თურქეთის გავლით გადაიპარება . ირანისგან მოშორებით კი საყვარელ ადამიანებთან ერთად თავისუფალ ცხოვრებას დაიწყებს.

თებერვალი 25, 1928

Passions run hot in the tropics as men fight over oil wells and a woman.

სექტემბერი 28, 2013

14-part special in which botanist Francis Hallé explains forest science and processes. Part of the "Once Upon a Forest" physical release.

თებერვალი 8, 2024
ნოემბერი 5, 2017

7 young filmmakers climbed the 7 highest mountains in Indonesia and bring 7 cameras along with them. Experiencing a lot of emotions, meeting new people during the exploration across places, every piece of story show how big, rich, dynamic, and vary.

ოქტომბერი 16, 2014

Mabel travels to her hometown to find the murderer of her friend Daniela. A journey through nostalgia, love and betrayal in a place where transgenderism once took on an unusual dimension.

ნოემბერი 26, 2017

A young couple in tropical Australia is trapped in their home by three fugitives carrying a mysterious icebox containing unknown contents, and they must rely on their wits and cunning to survive as a severe tropical cyclone looms.

სექტემბერი 24, 1957

Visiting Medical Researcher gets involved with a cult Priestess somewhere deep in the jungle.

იანვარი 1, 2000

A group of youngsters find a letter in a bottle that belonged to Ernest Hemingway and supposedly leads to a hidden treasure.

ივნისი 19, 2004

In the heart of the forest, Pedro hears a beautiful chant and meets Iara, the Mother of the Waters.

The South Pacific – the ocean between the American continent and Asia, stands for endless vastness, an infinite stretch of water and pristine nature. For many, the South Pacific is synonymous with paradise sun, beaches and of course, the bikini. But the bikini, or rather the island Bikini, also stands for a disastrous series of nuclear tests, carried out by the USA immediately after the Second World War. To this end, numerous ships of different sizes and categories were brought together. The remnants of these vessels have found a watery grave at the bottom of the lagoon: in depths of up to 60 metres, practically inaccessible for the average diver. Until recently, the region could not be visited for decades, due to radioactive contamination. But how have nature and mankind developed? Accompany us to a very special ships cemetery. Explore a region untouched by human hand for more than 60 years and experience the magic of the South Seas.

ოქტომბერი 31, 2020

A teenager wanders into the jungle towards a virgin lagoon inhabited by an intriguing and sinister creature, a mermaid.

ივნისი 16, 2024

Film follows Haide and Toomas, husband and wife in life and in art Piip and Tuut through the hard work of the creation of their new clown show in the Botanical Garden of Tallinn, showing the intensity and poetry behind their craft and focusing on their collaboration on stage and in life.

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