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Simon Rogers

Simon Rogers is a former Guardian news and data editor

June 2015

  • David Cameron

    Guardian/ICM polls: every one since 1984

    Full results on voting intentions going back to the beginning of our polling - plus the trends in the big questions over time

May 2014

  • Election day tweets map

    Animated map: local and EU elections in tweets

  • FA Cup final tweets geotagged

    FA Cup final 2014 tweets: mapped

March 2014

  • A visualisation from the infographic book for children, Animal Kingdom book which will be published in April. Illustration by Nicholas Blechman

    Infographics for children: what they can learn from data visualisations

    Information graphics and visualisations give us a method to use images to describe a story in a way that we can understand. If children want to comprehend the world around them, infographics can do that, writes Simon Rogers

November 2013

  • Sterling notes

    UK inflation since 1948

    Inflation in the UK fell to 2.2% in October. Get the full data over time, see how it compares with pay - and understand the new measures

May 2013

  • UK budget deficit and party in power. Click image to embiggen

    Deficit, national debt and government borrowing - how has it changed since 1946?

    How bad is the deficit really? We bring you all the data going back to the 1940s

  • Doctor Who gold Dalek

    Every Doctor Who villain since 1963

    The Doctor has fought more than 400 villains and monsters. Find out who they are - and which appeared most

  • A YouTube video of US President-elect Barack Obama

    New White House open data executive order: how does it compare to the British version?

    US legislation released on Thursday is aimed at making federal government data easier to find and use. We take a look at whether UK law is moving at the same rate.

April 2013

  • Rohan Silva

    Meet the man who turned David Cameron onto open data

  • Facts are Sacred: index page

    Facts are sacred: the power of data
    Facts are Sacred: now available in exclusive iPad edition

  • Urban myths

    10 popular myths debunked

  • Oklahoma City bombings, 1995

    Four decades of US terror attacks listed and detailed

  • Datablog
    Margaret Thatcher's funeral: 23 things you could pay for with £10m

  • Datablog
    GDELT: a big data history of life, the universe and everything

  • Facts are sacred: the power of data
    First world war in historic Guardian infographics

  • Datablog
    North Korea v South Korea: mapping every incident from 1958 to 2013

  • Datablog
    15 ways that Britain changed under Margaret Thatcher

  • Facts are sacred: the power of data
    Gallery: how we visualised data in our new book

  • Facts are sacred: the power of data
    Data journalism in action: the London Olympics

  • Facts are sacred: the power of data
    History of data journalism at the Guardian

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