Road to liberty Ben Wilson, the author of What Price Liberty? presents a brief history of liberty in Britain, examining protest, privacy and the relationship between citizens and the state
Move over Jay-Z! Guardian readers pick a hip-hop playlist for beginners Rosie Swash: We asked you to select tracks that would best introduce a newcomer to hip-hop. So here's your playlist for rap rookies
Visions of liberty Ben Wilson Ben Wilson: Britain needs a more informed view of liberty if we are to resolve the old battle between negative and positive freedoms
The dangers of policing risk Ben Wilson Ben Wilson: Road to liberty: The great threat to liberty comes from the habits of a risk-averse, market-led society
Britain's fear of protest Ben Wilson Ben Wilson: The mob has always been the bogeyman of British leaders – an attitude that persists towards today's peaceful protesters
The historic struggle for liberty Ben Wilson Ben Wilson: Protecting liberty has never been so important, as its language and traditions are eroded in an age driven by utility