Catawba River

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Catawba River

A river rising in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina and flowing about 360 km (225 mi) generally southward into South Carolina, where it is called the Wateree River.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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West of Charlotte in Cramerton, a town of 4,400 nestled in a bend of the Catawba River's south fork, Fire Captain Travis Williamson said he was getting ready to evacuate the fire station itself.
Raw water is derived from reservoirs on the Catawba River (operated by Duke Energy Company) and is treated at one of the city's three water treatment plants.
Forsite's most prominent project was the adaptive re-use of a shuttered 667-acre dye manufacturing complex along the Catawba River in Charlotte, North Carolina, now known as ReVenture Park.
Anyone skilled with oars can tackle the same course in a kayak, and this beautifully-designed centre also has kayaking and paddle-boarding on the Catawba river, rope climbing in the forest and a choice of zip lines.
His final retirement was to South Carolina, always with a dog or two in tow, spending time between his family's vacation spot on the Catawba River and his wife's family farm in Bethune where he voluntarily served as headmaster of the Bethune Charter School and cultivated his pine trees.
in Charlotte have received an engineering excellence honors award for a water main installation beneath the Catawba River. The 30-inch, 1,000-ft.-long pipe was installed using horizontal directional drill, and is part of the regionalization of York County's Eastern Water System.
In 2010, the Supreme Court permitted Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, (Duke Energy) to intervene in an interstate water-rights dispute between North Carolina and South Carolina over the Catawba River. (1) It marked the first time in the Court's history that a private party successfully intervened in an action for the equitable apportionment of an interstate waterway.
NC Catawba River Water suit in the United States Supreme Court.
National Whitewater Center, a nonprofit outdoor recreation and training facility on 400 acres of woodland by the Catawba River. The $38 million facility features zip lines, rock walls, hiking and biking trails and the world's largest and most complex recirculating artificial whitewater river.
LOCATION: 15 miles southeast of Van Wyck in Lancaster County, SC, at the Catawba River
The Zipline Tour offers an opportunity to move fast through trees on a network of cables and sky bridges suspended above the forest floor, over Catawba River. The company is offering a preview of the Canopy Tour on April 9, 2011, which will include food, a complimentary zip trip, games and a preview of the new Canopy Tour.