
By Minda Smiley, Reporter

March 31, 2016 | 2 min read


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To celebrate the Ad Club of New York's 120th anniversary, The Drum is inviting readers to share their favorite marketing moments from the past 120 years.

Today’s marketing moment was chosen by Lucy Truglio, director of the International Andy Awards. Below, find out why she chose Goodby Silverstein & Partners 1993 ‘Got Milk?’ Aaron Burr ad as her favorite marketing moment.

In 1993, I didn’t fully understand what Advertising was or that I’d be working in the field when I grew up. At the time I was an eleven year old kid, who found a particular commercial to be hysterical. I remember mimicking the muffled “Aaron Burr” line over and over whenever it came on – maybe even while enjoying a peanut butter sandwich as an after school snack as I watched TV instead of doing my History homework…

Flash forward and now I fully understand what it was I was responding to back then – a great idea, skillfully executed and spot on for the brand. “Got Milk?” is also an example of one of the industries enduring and iconic taglines / campaigns which we all know isn’t easy to create.

I love that I now get to work with and celebrate some of the people who had me screaming for milk all those years ago.

See the full 120 Marketing Moments in the dedicated online section and find out how to purchase the exclusive book.

Marketing Moments Got Milk? Marketing

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