
Sign Up for Book Gossip, a Newsletter About What We Actually Think About What We’re Reading

Photo: the Cut

Introducing Book Gossip, a newsletter about what we’re reading and what we actually think about it. I’m your host, Emily Gould, a person who has been gossiping about books for I don’t even want to say how long, lest it make me sound very, very old. But here are my credentials: I’ve had every role in book publishing you can have except agent, which means editor, author, and publisher. I know how the book sausage is made. And yet, I still love reading books! When I’m excited about a new one, I make sure everyone knows about it, often going so far as to interview or profile the author about how and why that particular book came to be. What I haven’t had, up until now, is a way to share all the little tidbits that come my way — the random scraps of info, the short recommendations, the reviews of reviews, and the unvarnished opinions from colleagues and randos. Book Gossip is a newsletter for people who like books — or who at least like talking about them.

Each month, you’ll get unusual or just plain weird coverage of the big new releases you’ve already heard too much about. We’ll also recommend unexpected books that match the vibe of the season or the mood or the moment and devote attention to genre books that, frankly, more people should be reading. We’ll point you to the best book coverage we’re doing here at the magazine and everywhere else. We’ll also poll you, the reader, about questions you actually care about, in the hopes that the newsletter can become a conversation that leads us all to some exciting new reads — or at least some new intel to share at parties.

Sign Up for Book Gossip