Material World

A torn piece of an Amazon box, the logo upside down, rests against an orange background.
Matteo Giuseppe Pani; Source: Getty

Is This How Amazon Ends?

An open embrace of cheap foreign products has helped Amazon take over the world. It also might guarantee Amazon’s eventual obsolescence.
Various products—headphones, brush, eyedrops, blow dryer, and more—with "buy now" icons on them.
Jared Bartman / The Atlantic. Source: Getty.

The Junk Is Winning

TikTok’s experiment in shopping has quickly become another place to hawk products.
Someone tugs on the thread of an unraveling sweater.
Photo-illustration by Jared Bartman / The Atlantic. Source: Getty.

Your Sweaters Are Garbage

The quality of knitwear has cratered. Even expensive sweaters have lost their hefty, lush glory.
A pair of shoes inside a red cancel symbol
Illustration by Jared Bartman / The Atlantic. Sources: Janista / Getty; Martyna Podolska / Shutterstock.

Make the Collabs Stop

The world does not need Blue Bottle sneakers or Harry Potter spatulas.
A giant vape in a line of storefronts
Illustration by The Atlantic. Source: Getty.

How the Vape Shops Won

It’s a rough time for retail stores in America. How can there be so many vape shops?