January/February 2024

In This Issue

If Trump wins: 24 writers consider what could happen in his second term. Plus Tim Alberta on the church of America, George Packer on what the working class wants, the IBM way, Camille Claudel’s “revolt against nature,” SNL’s Please Don’t Destroy, a poem by Dong Li, and more.

If Trump Wins

Photo of Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman standing in doorway of Capitol Building stairwell on January 6, 2021, with hand raised, opposite a crowd of rioters
Ashley Gilbertson / VII / Redux

Editor's Note: A Warning

America survived the first Trump term, though not without sustaining serious damage. A second term, if there is one, will be much worse.

an illustration of a mob of Trump supporters outside the Capitol building
Matt Huynh

If Trump Wins

The staff of The Atlantic on the threat a second term poses to American democracy

Black-and-white photo of Donald Trump giving a speech to a crowd in front of a large American flag suspended from two bucket lifts
Brendan Smialowski / Getty

The Danger Ahead

If Donald Trump returns to the White House, he’d bring a better understanding of the system’s vulnerabilities, more willing enablers, and a more focused agenda of retaliation against his adversaries.

illustration of black-and-white painted flags of NATO countries flying on flagpoles with a red U.S. flag falling loose in front of them
Matt Huynh

Trump Will Abandon NATO

If reelected, he would end our commitment to the European alliance, reshaping the international order and hobbling American influence in the world.

black-and-white photo of Viktor Orbán looking at Donald Trump speaking, both dressed in dark suits and ties, sitting in armchairs in front of fireplace
Mark Wilson / Getty

Corruption Unbound

Donald Trump and his cronies left his first administration with a playbook for self-enrichment in a second term.

black-and-white photo of Supreme Court justices John Roberts, Elena Kagan, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh standing in a line, Gorsuch shaking Donald Trump's hand
Mandel Ngan / AFP / Getty

A MAGA Judiciary

In a second term, Donald Trump would appoint more judges who don’t care about the law.

black-and-white photo of Egyptian president, king of Saudi Arabia, Melania Trump, and Donald Trump posing with hands on illuminated globe
Andar Algaloud / Saudi Royal Council / Anadolu Agency / Getty

The Truth Won’t Matter

If reelected, Donald Trump will once again churn out absurdity and outrage with factory efficiency.

black-and-white photo of Michael Flynn in uniform testifying at a microphone
Alex Wong / Getty

A Military Loyal to Trump

In 2020, the armed forces were a bulwark against Donald Trump’s antidemocratic designs. Changing that would be a high priority in a second term.

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  • Graphic illustration with photo of birds flying in blue sky over black-and-white photo of lower part of man's face with city view in background
    Illustration by Gabriela Pesqueira / The Atlantic. Sources: Scott T. Smith / Getty; kool99 / Getty.

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