April 2014

In This Issue

The overprotected child, the high price of stop-and-frisk, the monogamy trap, LBJ and the Civil Rights Act, Matthew Weiner previews the new season of Mad Men, and more


A child with glasses
Peter Yang

The Overprotected Kid

A preoccupation with safety has stripped childhood of independence, risk taking, and discovery—without making it safer. A radical new playground points to a better solution.

Is Stop-and-Frisk Worth It?

Civil-rights activists are ecstatic that a federal judge declared the NYPD’s policy unconstitutional. But law-enforcement officials say the practice has made U.S. cities dramatically safer. Now what?

Charlie Neiberlangall/AP

Fighting Over the Field of Dreams

In 1988, Hollywood built an ersatz baseball field in rural Iowa for a Kevin Costner film. A quarter century later, the community finds itself bitterly divided over a curious question: Should the field’s fake authenticity be preserved?

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