March 2007

In This Issue

Mark Bowden, "Jihadists in Paradise"; Joshua Green, "They Won't Know What Hit Them"; James Fallows, "Mr. Zhang Builds His Dream Town"; Sandra Tsing Loh on women's preference for food over sex with their husbands; Ross Douthat on George Bush's Legacy; Ilana Ozernoy on a disintigrating Baghdad Neighborhood; Emily Hiestand travels to Sweden; Mona Simpson reviews Chekhov; and much more.


Jihadists in Paradise

A kidnapping at a Philippine resort triggered a yearlong hunt for pirate terrorists and their American hostages. A behind-the-scenes tale of intrigue, spycraft, and betrayal. [Web-only: Watch CIA surveillance footage and video interviews with the story's key players]

They Won’t Know What Hit Them

The software mogul Tim Gill has a mission: Stop the Rick Santorums of tomorrow before they get started. How a network of gay political donors is stealthily fighting sexual discrimination and reshaping American politics

Religion & Faith

This is the thirteenth in a series of archival excerpts in honor of the magazine’s 150th anniversary.

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