March 1965

In This Issue

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  • Churchill at the White House

    "After my husband's death, I was lunching one day with Mr. and Mrs. Churchill at their home in London, and sitting by me, he suddenly turned to me and said, 'You never have really approved of me, have you?'"

  • The Lion's Heart

    Famed for her beauty and happy in her marriage to Alfred Duff Cooper, who was one of Sir Winston's favorite lieutenants, Lady Diana Cooper was early admitted to a delightful friendship with the Prime Minister and Lady Churchill. Who can better tell us of the happiness they shared in their marriage?  

  • Sex: The Silent Bell

    From her Canadian father SALLY CARRIGHAR has inherited her lore of nature, and from her more than twenty years of living in wild habitats and working in biological laboratories have come her sensitive, observant books. We have selected this vivid and exciting paper from her new book, WILD HERITAGE,soon to be published by Houghton Mifflin.

  • Of Mice and Mail

    One would have to go back a far way in history to find a Secretary of State who wrote with the grace and wit of DEAN ACHESON, and in this deft reminiscent essay Mr. Acheson describes his early efforts, when a junior in the Department, to cut his way through the red tape and illiteracy of “official English.”

  • Death of a President: The Established Facts

    Europeans have had varied opinions about the assassination of President Kennedy. Some attributed it to an international conspiracy, and not a few were highly critical of our police and of the judicial findings which followed. LORD DEVLIN’S evaluation of the Warren Report cuts through this confusion with the clarity of an eminent judge. He was Justice of the High Court, king’s Bench Division, from 1948 to 1960, and Lord of Appeals thereafter.

  • Goop-Bye to All T--T!

    More than a few writers have become so clinical in describing sex and other natural functions that many readers have yearned for (he polite euphemisms of old. WALLACE STEGNER, novelist and professor, explains how he has resolved the matter for himself and his students.

  • The Case for the Junior High School: The Nathan Eckstein School in Seattle

    The junior high school has been more fully developed on the West Coast than elsewhere in the country, and in the city of Seattle, eighteen of them are now functioning. We have asked DR. JAMES R. WARREN, who took his M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Washington and who is Supervisor of Information in the Seattle school district, to give us this appraisal of the needs fulfilled by the Nathan Eckstein Junior High School.

  • Three Shapes of Love

    How to play an old Irish game, and how to discoverthe human thing to do”these are among the talents explained in this new short story by one of Ireland’s finest living writers, who is also author of VIVE moi!, anenchanting autobiography recently published by Atlantic-Little, Brown.

  • Edith and Alice Hamilton: Students in Germany

  • When I Was Young and Uneasy

    From her autobiography, TAKEN CARE OF, which DAME EDITH SITWELLfinished shortly before her death,we have drawn these passages,which disclose some of the angularities of her girlhood and the solace which she early found in poetry. Her volume of reminiscences will be published by Atheneum in April.

  • London

  • A Poem for Gabriel

  • The Man Who Loved Children

    In 1940 Christina Stead finished her American novel, THE MAN WHO LOVED CHILDREN. It was a good book and should have been a critical and financial success. However, readers ignored it. For many years it has been out of print, but it has just been republished by Holt, and from RANDALL JARRELL’S introduction to the new edition we have chosen the following excerpt. Mr. Jarrell, a leading literary critic and poet, is professor of English at the Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina.

  • March

  • Britain: The Unpolice State

  • Look What I Brought Back From Ancient Egypt

    HANNAH LEES, wife of a Philadelphia physician, says she writes about “whatever amuses, interests, or enrages” her. Her article “Negro Neighbors" appeared in the January, 1956, ATLANTIC.

  • A Short History of Mankind

  • Shunpiking on the Moon

    “The first round trip to the moon will be a week-long journey. . . . Later stays will be longer when we are able to provide . . . what every traveler needs away from homea motel room and a youdrive-it car.

  • Cows on the Quay

  • The Peripatetic Reviewer

  • Reader's Choice

  • Potpourri

  • South Vietnam

  • Sir Winston Churchill 1874-1965

  • That Earthy Man

    One of England’s most distinguished editors, now on the staff of THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, HUGH MASSINGHAM is the son of H. W. Massingham,himself a great editor and an intimate friend of the young Churchill. Mr Massingham here recalls the days when Sir Winston was a frequent visitor in his home and when, to the Tory world,he was considered a radical.

  • In Parliament and Cabinet

    THE EARL OF SWINTON served for more than a quarter of a century with Winston Churchill or under him in every government in which he was a minister. A Member of Parliament from 1918 to 1935, Lord Swinton was also president of the Board of Trade and Secretary of State for the Colonies. In 1935 he began a three-year term as Secretary of State for Air, and during the war he was Cabinet Minister President for West Africa and Minister for Civil Aviation.

  • A Prophecy

  • Washington

  • When Churchill Was Twenty-Three

    This article was written more than sixty-six years ago, in 1898. The author, a war correspondent with a position in England similar to that of Richard Harding Davis in America, met young Churchill aboard ship when both were returning from the Sudan wars. So great was the impact of the twenty-three-year-old Churchill on the veteran newspaperman that he devoted an article to the young man in a series entitled, “Twentieth Century MenPeeps into Futurity.”In it, Mr. Steevens predicted that the time would come when Parliament and England itself would not provide a large enough stage for Mr. Churchill.

  • The Working Day

    For six crucial years, from 1940 to 1946, JOHN H. PECK, as private secretary to the Prime Minister, was at Sir Winston’s beck and call at any hour of the day or night. How the great man looked to a twenty-eight-year-old and how remarkably they worked together, we see in the exhilarating pages that follow.

  • His Finest Hour

    A career officer who began serving his country during World War I, LIEUTENANT GENERAL SIR IAN JACOB was Military Assistant Secretary to the War Cabinet from 1939 to 1946. Here he pays tribute to Churchill’s qualities as a war leader, and describes the differences in his approach to Roosevelt and Stalin.

  • Cartoons

  • The Qualities of Leadership: Churchill as Diplomat

    A veteran of World War I who was gassed in the Argonne breakthrough and was decorated personally by General Pershing, and a Democratic congressman who served three years from his home state, Arizona, LEWIS W. DOUGLASwas our ambassador to the Court of St. James during the critical period of 1947-1950, years which brought him into constant and sometimes intimate association with Sir Winston.

  • Painter and Critic

    Winston Churchill was exhibiting his paintings under a pseudonym as early as 1921. We turn to London’s foremost critic for an appraisal of Sir Winston’s canvases and for an analysis of why he painted as he did. Director of the Warburg Institute, with which he has been connected for twenty-eight years, PROFESSOR GOMBRICII has taught at Oxford, at Cambridge, and at Harvard.

  • Churchill and the Scientists

    Long identified with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which he served as vice president and dean of engineering from 1932 to 1938, DR. VANNEVAR BUSH left Cambridge to become president of the Carnegie Institution in Washington. There he was selected by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to head up the extraordinary war team of some six thousand American scientists eventually known as the Office of Scientific Research and Development. With this authority he was brought into close touch with British scientists also working on national defense, and in crises with the Prime Minister himself.

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