The Work/Life Question: 4 Books, 1 Answer

A survey of converging perspectives by influential women

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO

In a nutshell: “Don’t leave before you leave.”

Select aphorism: “We need more men to sit at the table … the kitchen table.”

Boldest multitasking: “I organized meetings in my living room, during which I sometimes breast-fed and probably freaked several people out.”

How to get a raise: Ask for one.

Mika Brzezinski, Morning Joe co-host

In a nutshell: Be your own advocate.

Boldest multitasking: Called in to Morning Joe strategy sessions while jogging.

Bad-mother anecdote: Exhausted from working nights, once fell down the stairs with her infant daughter, who broke a leg.

How to get a raise: Ask for one.

Kate White, former Cosmopolitan editor

In a nutshell: “Go big or go home.”

Bad-mother anecdote: Stopped going to her son’s dentist appointments when he was 12. Six years later, learned that he hadn’t been since.

Worth dog-earing: Work late a different night each week, so it doesn’t look like you’re always out the door by 6.

How to get a raise: Ask for one.

Cathie Black, former Hearst Magazines chair

In a nutshell: Strive for the “360° Life.”

Select aphorism: “Think of your boss as a small woodland animal—make no startling moves or strange gestures.”

On finding balance: “Even if you’re ambitious, it’s not a crime to leave at five-thirty on some days.”

Worth dog-earing: “Don’t get drunk.”

How to get a raise: Ask for one.