More Ideas of the Year

From selfie sticks and wristwatches and to kale and The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt


Once-Discredited Ideas Now Staging Comebacks

> Dumbphones
> Sleeping
> Measles
> Tebow
> Spam
> Wristwatches
> Pluto

Least Important Most-Talked-About Ideas

> “The Dress”
> Deflategate
> The Keystone Pipeline
> Elizabeth Warren

Least Harmless Innocuous-Sounding Ideas

> Relatability

> The Food Babe

> Delaware

> “Pension smoothing”

Ideas That Are Kind of Embarrassing, but That We Like Anyway

> Vines

> Hypoallergenic cats

> Vines of hypoallergenic cats

> Rex Ryan

> Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Ideas That Have Outlived Their Usefulness

> Annual physicals

> The Iowa caucuses

> Kale

> House of Cards

> Celebrity chefs

> Coastal property

Innovations We Might Seriously Regret

> Marijuana bakeries

> Shareholder activism

> “Explainer journalism”

> Selfie sticks

> Genome editing

Terms We’d Like to Retire

> Manspreading

> Free-range parenting

> Going viral

> Vertically integrated digital-media company

> Superfood

> Hipster

> The Internet of Things

Newly Conventional Ideas That Were Once Unthinkable

> Getting the news from Facebook

> NFL players worried about concussions

> Rand Paul for President

> A first gent

Ideas We Think We Like—but the Jury’s Still Out

> Police body cameras

> Self-driving cars

> Serial

> Starbucks delivery

> Amazon drones

> The sharing economy

Image credits: Tebow: Elise Amendola/AP; Warren: Timothy D. Easley/AP; Kimmy Schmidt: Eric Liebowitz/Netflix; Food Babe: Jonathan Alcorn/Bloomberg/Getty; Selfie: Andy Wong/AP; Fieri: Al Powers/Powers Imagery/Invision/AP; Hipster: Rich Fury/Invision/AP; Car: Tony Avelar/AP; Clinton: John Shearer/Invision/AP