To Right Wrongs

Only the United States sought nothing selfish or commercial from going to war.

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Inside an American tank, northwest of Verdun, France, in 1918. The war introduced the use of tanks; the Allies had many more than the Germans did. Corbis
Stanley Washburn

Other countries entered the war through necessities of various sorts. America committed herself to the conflict for a cause which even the cynical German propaganda, hard as it has tried, has been unable to distort into a selfish or commercial one. We are preparing to share in every way the sacrifices, both in blood and wealth, which our allies have been making these past three years. And as our reward we ask for no selfish or commercial rights, nor do we seek to acquire extension of territory or acquisition of privilege in any part of the world. We have entered the war solely because of wrongs committed in the past, and with the just determination that similar wrongs shall never again be perpetrated. No country and no people on this globe are more responsive to an obligation, and more determined to fulfill such an obligation when recognized, than are the American people.

Originally titled "The Tragedy of Roumania"