W. F. Miksch


  1. Shunpiking on the Moon

    “The first round trip to the moon will be a week-long journey. . . . Later stays will be longer when we are able to provide . . . what every traveler needs away from homea motel room and a youdrive-it car.

  2. The Self-Made Nitwit

    W. F. MIKSCHis a free-lance writer living in Newtown, Connecticut. He was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and attended Moravian College.

  3. The Culinary End

    W. F. MIKSCH is a free-lance writer living in Newtown, Connecticut. He was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and attended Moravian College.

  4. Read Now, Pay Later

    W. F. MIKSCH is a free-lance writer living in Newtown,Connecticut. He was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and attended Moravian College.

  5. Too Late the Microwave

    W. F. MIKSCH is a free-lance writer living in Newtown, Connecticut, He was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and attended Moravian College.

  6. When in Rome, Smile

    W. F. MIKSCHis a free-lance writer living in Newtown, Connecticut. He was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and attended Moravian College.

  7. Inside Everybody, With Tv

    W. F. MIKSCH is a former newspaperman now free-lancing in New York. He was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and attended Moravian College.