Sebastian Mallaby

Sebastian Mallaby is the Paul A. Volcker Senior Fellow for International Economics at the Council on Foreign Relations. He is the author of The Man Who Knew: The Life and Times of Alan Greenspan and The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future.


  1. How the Fed Flubbed It

    A new book’s harsh verdict: Ben Bernanke, the Depression expert, failed to learn from some key history lessons.

    Illustration by Lincoln Agnew/Photos from Associated Press
  2. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Ending Poverty

    In the 1990s, Paul Romer revolutionized economics. In the aughts, he became rich as a software entrepreneur. Now he’s trying to help the poorest countries grow rich—by convincing them to establish foreign-run “charter cities” within their borders. Romer’s idea is unconventional, even neo-colonial—the best analogy is Britain’s historic lease of Hong Kong. And against all odds, he just might make it happen.