Michael Lind

Michael Lind is a co-founder of the New America Foundation and the author of numerous books, including Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States.


  1. Are We Still a Middle-Class Nation?

    It's no accident that the United States has always been an economic paradise for the middle class—that class was invented and reinvented by the government. Now the government needs to reinvent it again—before it's too late

  2. A Radical Plan to Change American Politics

    From the term-limitation movement to the rise of Ross Perot, the signs of discontent with the political status quo are everywhere. Our author outlines a plan channel that discontent in an innovative direction, one that would make the House of Representatives more democratic and more responsive to the variety of opinion to be found in the country and that would break the monopoly on power enjoyed by the two parties. “Because of our peculiar electoral law, ” he writes, “the American government is divided between two parties. The American people are not”