Eric Liu

Eric Liu is a contributing writer for The Atlantic. He is the author of You’re More Powerful Than You Think: A Citizen’s Guide to Making Change Happen and, most recently, Become America: Civic Sermons on Love, Responsibility, and Democracy. He is CEO of Citizen University and executive director of the Aspen Institute Program on Citizenship and American Identity.


  1. End the Opportunity Monopoly

    It’s not just that the rich get richer and the poor poorer; it’s that the rich get louder and poor quieter.

    Frank Franklin II / AP
  2. The Gadfly and the Grinder

    Once upon a time, Hillary Clinton was in a race against a passionate ideologue named Bernie Sanders. Her victory depended not on changing, but on being herself—someone who gets things done.

    John Locher / AP
  3. A New York State of Patriotism

    None of the Republican candidates showed they understand true New York values: embracing multiculturalism, innovation, and the unknown.

    Chuck Burton / AP