David Greenberg

David Greenberg is a professor of History and of Journalism and Media Studies at Rutgers University. He is the author of Republic of Spin: An Inside History of the American Presidency, among other works and is currently writing a biography of John Lewis.


  1. Sex and the Married Politician

    The list of politicos laid low by sexual scandal grows ever longer. It hasn’t always been this way. Fifty years ago, the press famously considered politicians’ sex lives off-limits, however colorful. Go back to the Gilded Age, though, and salacious gossip was front-page news. Taken as a whole, history offers a few lessons on when the press should opt for exposure—and when it should leave well enough alone.

    Michael Appelton/NY Daily News Archive/Getty; Andrew Gombert/EPA/Corbis; Matt Cilley/AP; Shannon Stapleton/Reuters/Corbis; Isaac Brekken/AP; Davis Turner/Getty Images; Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/Corbis; Jason Merritt/Getty Images/The Consulate General of Israel; L
  2. The Honeymooners

    One year in, Obama’s approval ratings have slipped, and they’re likely to get worse. He’ll probably muddle through seven more years of partisan acrimony, small-bore achievements, and bitter disappointment. But this is okay. In fact, it’s the definition of success for a modern president.

    Steve Brodner