David Frum

David Frum is a staff writer at The Atlantic. He is the author of 10 books, most recently Trumpocracy (2018) and Trumpocalypse (2020). In 2001 and 2002, David was a speechwriter for President George W. Bush. From 2014 to 2017, he chaired the prominent U.K. center-right think tank, Policy Exchange. He writes for The Atlantic on topics including politics, policy, art, literature, and history.


  1. Apocalypse Not

    The Democrats’ situation could be worse. If they’re not careful, it will be.

    An illustration of a rider leading a donkey with a stick of dynamite resembling a carrot.
    Illustration by Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Source: Getty.
  2. Trump Should Never Have Had This Platform

    The debate was a travesty—because its whole premise was to treat a failed coup leader as a legitimate candidate for the presidency.

    A photo-illustration of former President Donald Trump at the CNN debate
    Illustration by The Atlantic. Source: Christian Monterrosa / AFP / Getty.
  3. Wrong Case, Right Verdict

    Donald Trump will not be held accountable before the 2024 presidential election for his violent attempt to overturn the previous election, but he is now a convicted felon all the same.

    A photo-montage illustration showing squares of cropped Donald Trump images interspersed with squares depicting symbols of justice
    Illustration by The Atlantic. Sources: Justin Lane / Getty; Natalia Barashkova / Getty.
  4. Trump Deflates

    It wasn’t just Putin who lost in the House vote on Ukraine aid.

    Donald Trump seen scowling, with House Speaker Mike Johnson in the foreground.
    Joe Raedle / Getty