Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

Arthur Schlesinger Jr. was a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and a special assistant to President John F. Kennedy. He taught at Harvard University and the City University of New York.


  1. A Man From Mars

    Fifty years ago John Gunther, a brilliant foreign correspondent, published a famous book about "the greatest, craziest, most dangerous ... most powerful and magnificent nation ever known."

  2. Dukakis for President

    Self-interest, rightly understood, should lead Americans to vote for the party that believes in government, the only instrument through which we can confront an array of emerging national problems

  3. Is the Vice Presidency Necessary?

    No, argues historian Schlesinger. It is like the human appendix, a vestigial organ on the body politic. John Nance Garner called the office a lot of things, some of them not as polite as "a spare tire on the automobile of government."