TopSky - GéoTITAN® by CGX AERO* and ENAC
GéoTITAN® is an expert software application dedicated to the automated creation and the management of conventional or RNAV IFR trajectories and their protection areas.
GéoTITAN® main features:
- Database driven, minimal manual input,
- Geographical environment, user interface focused on procedure design works,
- Data quality and consistency checks,
- ·Automated geodesic computation, WGS84,
- Automated computation of protection areas,
- Automated computation of minimum altitudes from obstacles and DTM,
- Automated regulation checking,
- Flexible design with automated templates,
- Interoperability with standards and external systems:
- AIXM 4.5 and 5.1,
- Data4Flight® and AIM4Flight®.