
Middle School Spelling: A Year-Long, Differentiated Approach

Rated 4.81 out of 5, based on 586 reviews
4.8 (586 ratings)
Kasey Kiehl
Grade Levels
5th - 8th
Formats Included
  • Zip,
  • Google Apps™
33 pages
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Kasey Kiehl
Includes Google Apps™
The Teacher-Author indicated this resource includes assets from Google Workspace (e.g. docs, slides, etc.).

What educators are saying

This is such a useful way to teach spelling! My students' spelling has improved due to this structure.
This is a well organized spelling learning activity. My students were highly engaged with their learning through this activity.


Instead of giving everyone the same weekly spelling list, allow students to select words from their reading, writing, world, commonly misspelled words, and weekly spelling principles. This differentiated approach offers choice and challenges students to learn how to spell words that will make them better writers. It also is a great way to teach middle school students about Greek and Latin root words that will help them with spelling, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.

It includes:

-Rationales and detailed directions for how to use each part of the product.

-38 weekly spelling principles. One for each week of the school year. The principles include a statement, teacher examples, and a list of examples that students could generate. Many of these spelling principles are connection to Greek and Latin root words and common prefixes and suffixes. These will help students grow their vocabulary and reading comprehension.

-A weekly routine for learning about and practicing students' individualized spelling lists. Each day of the week students complete one piece of the process. This resource will completely walk you through how to establish this fun and engaging routine.

-Printables to write down the weekly spelling principles and weekly spelling lists.

-"Connections" spelling study technique handout

-"Write and Check" spelling study technique handout

-"Spelling Menu" spelling study technique handout

-Directions for how to administer a partner spelling test

-Spelling Test printable to take the test on

Enjoy this easy-to-use teaching product that will help you implement a spelling program into your classroom immediately that will suit the needs of all of your students.

What are people saying about this resource?

"Incredible resource, thank you for sharing. Very engaging, easy to implement, and is great for a multiage classroom where differentiation is needed!"

"I loved this resource as I wanted my students to have practice with spelling words they needed to work on. This provided a guided focus for their spelling, practice with common misspelled words, and gave my students ownership in their spelling practice for the week."

"I've been struggling to find a way to get middle school students to get back into spelling. This approach is low maintenance for the teacher, promotes student responsibility, AND will help them master all those spelling skills. Thank you so much!"

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Let’s Be Teacher Friends

Total Pages
33 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 Year
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to see state-specific standards (only available in the US).
Form and use the perfect (e.g., I had walked; I have walked; I will have walked) verb tenses.
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Use intensive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves).



Questions & Answers
