About Us

Sysoon is online service provider to an international network of funeral homes that deliver high standards of service.

Online memorial

Sysoon is a free resource for finding the final resting places of famous folks, friends and family members. With millions of names, it's an invaluable tool for genealogists and history buffs. Sysoon memorials are rich with content, including dates, photos and bios. You can even leave 'virtual flowers' on the memorials you visit to complete the online cemetery experience. Sysoon also contains listings for thousands of celebrity graves, making it the premier online destination for tombstone tourists. With millions of names, it's an invaluable tool for genealogist and history buffs. Memorials are rich with content, including dates, photos and bios. You can even leave virtual flowers on the memorials you visit to complete the online cemetery experience.

You can become a member, create a memorial, submit data, add flowers, add photos and search our database at no charge.

International funeral services

We try to provide the best international funeral services over the internet to everyone regardless of race, language or religion and become the largest online source of deceased.

Sysoon™ is a leading global provider of professional services and advice, present in over 72 countries worldwide with access to the deep intellectual capital of approximately 4.000 people.

We try to help:

  • better planning a good death
  • manage after death tasks
  • assisting bereaved
  • support funeral homes
  • find the deceased
  • restore damaged cemeteries
  • understand the mystery of death
  • ..etc..


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Comments and discussion

Evette Claborn Potter Language: English Report abuse

Please delete my account. This was no help at all. It didn’t show me anything.

Am Gr Language: English Report abuse

Remove this before we sue the hell out of you!!! how dare you pretend when you have no idea who these people are to their loved ones. for every pretend you make, burn in hell.

Am Gr Language: English Report abuse

Fuck you fakes!

Am Gr Language: English Report abuse

Remove this before we say the hell out if you!!! how dare you pretend when you have no idea who these people are to their loved ones. for every pretend you make, burn in hell.

Am Gr Language: English Report abuse

Fuck you fakes!

Misty Dawn Lavanceau Language: English Report abuse

My name is misty Lavanceau I was born in Fort sill Oklahoma by Pascal Eric Lavanceau and viola Elizabeth Redfort I never really knew my parents but I know my father married several times and one of which was Rhonda did I was towed killed my father over the fact that he was going to divorce her and she wanted her daughter to have all my memories her benefits I'm the regional daughter only have another my twin John this original son and we're both struggling in life because of this woman and what she has done to our family I found out through my aunt didn't my father was killed in 2000 because he was trying to find me she had him cream in it quickly so nobody can see if he was murdered on the banana his room more you he told she told my family that they would never find me while I'm opening up and reaching out to the military families and friends to see what I can do about what happened to my father that was not correct I said here 36 years old with stage four cancer my bladder for the shutdown with kidney failure plusliver failure and Medicaid will not pay myself when I should write but we have military benefits VA benefits and benefits from Ssi so if anybody sees his kingdom please with a reach out to me to see what's going on please I appreciate it thank you this is my number 823-694-9145


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