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Using complexity economics to speed up the energy transition

‘The more renewables we make, the faster they get cheap, and the faster they get cheap the sooner we realise the savings we get,’ says Doyne Farmer, who cites China as one of the countries that understands this and is ‘getting on board’ © Chen Bin/VCG via Reuters Connect
‘The more renewables we make, the faster they get cheap, and the faster they get cheap the sooner we realise the savings we get,’ says Doyne Farmer, who cites China as one of the countries that understands this and is ‘getting on board’ © Chen Bin/VCG via Reuters Connect

Scientist Doyne Farmer on how big data and powerful computers can create better economic models

“We live in a complex world and at a challenging time,” said Barack Obama when he was US president back in 2014. “And none of these challenges lend themselves to quick or easy solutions.” Russia, Ukraine and Gaza were the focus of the speech in which he uttered these thoughts and his words, unfortunately, would be as apt today as they were 10 years ago.

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